Page 20 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 20

Gas Pipeline Safety
have wr|ttv:n seve1a1 ea1..rnns ovcz a1ways 1a11aws 11.e rccommnndauum 1n1erna1.o..a1 and [’ubl1cAffa1r~ T1...
11.e years regarrbng 11.e ofIcn- D1 11.e CPAC. Transrnp1s of 11.e md1v1du.1l .s 1espons.b1e for assuring
pa...1..1pnxe.s of GPAC r..ee1.ngs asee11a be ava.1a1.1e 11.a111.e e..rren1aa1r.....1s1ra1.on's
p|pL‘l1nc~ 1 an. remmdcd of 11.e on 11.e PHMSA web s.1e (11.e PHMSA mgulalory reform pohcics am

ana1agy of makmg sausage and pass...g web ~1lc1s e..rren11y upgradcd Implcmcntnd. Al 11.e seeana cmc
1eg.s1a1.on —botl\ ran be extremely and 1.111 iuncllonality yet [0 b1:, 1..s presence was 11.1.11

un er1~'.1nlIowat:\. Inc to n matum ut am sh avm a 2 In I C a Mom. '1 1:1 I mlevun

p1 1 1 d 1.11 d)b 11 1b1 1. pp 13.1. 1.m1cPAc g

11.e originator 1.1 11.e analogy and, dockcl a1 www.r('g11l11Iiut15.guv. 1 have 11.e pos.1.a.. was vacant. clearly,
dnpcndmg an wlucl\ ~0ur:e you ran nut chctkud 11.e1a1a1, but 1yp.ea11y PHMSA .s conuzmed WH11 11.e eas1
be1.eve,ba11. 0111. van B1sm.1xck(18l5 eae1. CPAC gas Mega R..1e r..ee11ng of 11.e proposed rbanges 1:111, in my

- an ar wam 1 — 1 tnntratm somel m C 051: to a 1:3 D mlon, 11 won C m a 01

1898) :11/1 kT 1 335 $1131 1; 1. g 1 8UUp g p 1111; PHMSA’ 1.
offered rarn.nen1s. A~ a s1rep1.e,1 of 1ransrnp1 ...1e1es1<as we11 as 11.e p..b1.e's 1.es1
wou ~'lm ' a I at, |n (12 en 1 Interest lot to ct (ml Osman e
111 plyddh Id Hldvw )ryg1p filld
sausage .s ..saa11y much more pa1a1ab1e “V” "“‘ “ "‘> P°“‘ * as qmckly as pass.b1e. 1n PHMSA’s new1eg..1a1.on 1.. new regulatmn. aerense, .11. a PO1lUC:1lpD~ll|Ul'\ and
Bark 1n 2011, PHMSA (11.e Fe-a1era1 ‘ ‘ 1 .. . 1 .1 4 i PHMSA ha’ mug’ “ “"3 ‘"fl“‘“‘“
_ . .  1 ,1 1 ,1 7, », regambng wba ge1s 11.e .91. ar when. sa1e1y reg..1a1ary ageney) , 1 1: 3 1 .,_, 1. 1 , ,

.1ar1ea1 11.e proeess ui ' ' _ ‘ Nuw fax a 30,000-foot repan on
mapr rev.s.ans1o 11.e regulat1on~ , . a t , . 11.e ae1..a1pragress; Nolhmg .n
gavermng na1ara1 gas p.pe1.nes. ms 11 ‘"1 “_ 1 1, ‘=1. 11.e ca. Mega Rule .s a1111.a1ear11.
was based on rongress.ana1 a1.ree1..~es , s1.a11enng .n lcrm~ of mqmnng
(1eg.s1a1.on), mtommnndauons [mm 1} ; » . -. a 1 » 1 ,1. ., 1raeeab1e, venfiabln and ea.np1e1e

11.e Na1.ona1T1a..spor1a1.on Safety 1 1 L  § — W 1 é 3 reearas necessary In es1ab1.s1. sate
Board (11.ey .nves1.ga1e as weu 1 K I r * opexaung pressures for gas
as a1rlmc1nc1d2nts),demand~fxom 1 2,: r   a  a, The r1e...1 .s, as 11.ey say, .n11.e
p1pcline sa1e1y ae1.v.s1s, dnmand~ from ' i‘ -  ~ 1 ‘~ detml~. w1.en11..s proeess s-1a11ed .n
environmental ae1.v.s1s dun’l bke 1 F, »« — 21111, 11.e pa1.1.ra1 environment was — PERIOD), adverse p..b1.e.1y 1‘  g : '11 ,5 ‘ [L .1; eans1a1erab1y diffcmm PHMSA louknd
mlatnd 11: severa1, ' * * ‘ A ' " a1 a11 11.e .np..1 and duufully Innd

11.e res.r11s ofp1pclme1nsp2cuons,1nput I0 accommudale a1111.e...p..11.on.
from s1a1e p.pe1...e sa1e1y agene.e.s, ‘ _ government and 11.e pubhc 7 11.11112
and PHMSA’s- own pereep1.o..s of :{“‘l“’:;f‘fC‘W“ "‘ ‘h‘ ”“:°‘C“’ 1M“g“V 1une of ever 131: pages 1n 11.e Federa1
what ncndzd 11: be done The nauee of ‘ “ E n (1 'l"L‘:“"g‘ "E _ “:"Lh‘“Pl’> Reg..1er. 1n zo17,111e po1.1.ea1e1.r..a1e
proposed r..1er..a1a..g was pab1.s1.ea1 ° “P” “‘ ‘ "‘‘"‘ °” ° “ e1.angea1. The .n1egn1y uip1p2l1nL‘s

GPAC were a11 well pmpamd and wen

Apr1l8,201b and gennratnd ovez mu 1 E d I I ‘_ PHMSM‘ d was, and .s,11.e pnrnary
comments (over 4,000 pages’). As  ‘ ‘“‘ E’ P“ 'f‘P‘:‘,‘," d “ Huwevtr, nconomuc iactun. were

of January 2013, 11.e pmress .s .1111 to  :m“‘:;“;§::“ ‘i finally as a eans.a1era1.a..
gmng on. re a1a1e,111ere have been * 3 w1.ere ran1.rn.1ea1 resaarees be bes1

_ _ _ p..b1.e eornr..en1 penad, and PHMSA ‘ ,
11.r1e n.ee1.ngs of 11.1 cas P.pe1...e ‘ d H‘ I Y ...ves1ea1 lo en1.ane1 p.pe1...e ~afaty
Advisory cor..n..11ee (CPAC1 T1.e ”‘”"“ 'd“ [W “‘ "3. °[’_‘"'°“' "‘°" PHMSA had been pmr..a1ing
CPAC 15 members —5 eae1.1ro.n °|’;“ ‘: ‘_’5““ W‘ ‘“*’““ '° based rega1a1.ans (a good 11..ng1) 11.11
avernr..en1,11.e as . .na1u.s1 v, "' “" ““ "°""’ PHMSA’- eanee 1o1w1.a1.1eas1s1o

s 1: P P r1 P

and 11.e publ1c— and PHMSA almmt one a1 pn:n.01ml eoneern 1e1a1es 1a apera1e a .s, .n my Cxpcnencz.

11.e PHMSA D.ree11.r of Covcrnmnznlal,
1,. . Mrsmsrynrsll 21.11:, Vssuel

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