Page 10 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 10

commuzn mom ms 7
Mtcl1acl,~aid, "The only way to nuke the computer pmgmm
wmk we. for cvcr\'bt»dy to u~c it The .enwere \va~
recognized by the Mutual ma \Ictwnrl< a~ beneficial tor me
program and 17 .~tatc~ Mgncd on to uxu n It .~ now lmuxcd '-
out of atzttc, with [1111 nmmemnce and other c()>t~ .p1n ztnmng ——- all '
me men " 0  m

V_ - —fl -
The u.~cr~ of the ~uft\\'e1rL~ meet nun.‘ a year to m.e...\ potulmal '3‘ e *~
l|Pgh1dL‘~¢}hA1(K)dl~(l|\~lC>\0l'\>lCZ|l’\'|CI‘fftlm[l'\CPfl>(\[0Y}h . I ‘ N 1 1'Z.......

.. A ‘ <. : v\' ' .,..... C..:jj:;f'_‘_‘
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Mtchaclatatcd, "The Mutual ma l\'L~tworkwnrl<>wcll, in , 3;‘-, _ it ill I‘ i ‘ mu:fi' :-
partbccatmxnftltcycmantcxpcrtcI1n:\w:'xcl7:td n,;m.n,; i" __ _ i . -9. ,‘.‘.‘_‘l.‘1.. I ,
one dI~a~turn[tcrnnuthcr. Evcry~tnrm bnngxthown xctuf / L i '3: -: ‘- (11,, _ 1‘
pmblcmx AttcrKamlm,cwnpxbtiiltxoltballand bnaubnll  ‘: 5 | ‘ll i
f1cld~ m \'anuII~ conunumuc~, than donated tlmm to me city _, ‘ - J
ummmy In [Iinu~(>fdt~ztatcr~, thmc ficldxcaliquttklybc I ‘ 6 I ‘ — ‘.
turnedIntutcntcmc~" ‘ I | i i .4 ‘ .' ‘ _., 
Tl1i.~i~Impnrtantbccauwtltcdtxtrcwcd meamequueam pg l '5 , ' H ‘H ., 5.. -_ = ’
pnmae e1ll~L\ppliL'>ft»rtl1()»L' ct>n1mgIntna~~i~t /\ll~uppliL~~ — — L ‘ ’ —~ '
nitahlha(CfIfll~,HJOdaI]I‘l1()u>l\'\g Being prepared fnrthc ; _ , Z ‘ e I, Xltclc~>tm~lcamcd frumtl1L~la~t>t()rn1 ‘ ,i ‘ ..

So, the ncxtmncyml ~cctlmtcon\'oy ntbuckct tmckx ' E ‘
tm\'L~llmg down we Intcrxtatc, be rcintlulcdtl1ataltlmugl1 - _-_, I

[l1L'rci~ .; community mnewhere humne, gutting back In ’

normal mu be L*a~Icr m part bccnum uf Mmmpptu Elccmc


\Vay to go full<~ and tl1:mk~ for wnrklitg lmrd to keep me lighh

an at lmmcl gg

_v 'rnANsuIIasIoN. I.I.c -
, _
Committed to operating Pipeline Assets 
in a safe. reliable and compliant manner N y ' A r I
and providing the highest level of   
CuS‘OmerSerVKe' lNSLl>?»‘«NCE lDE -15 ~ RE ‘. if: E - S’?-‘-lEC~iE;
Home Office:
. i5OO Old Funnin Rd.
Bntmdon, MS 39047
bill 992.4444
|'-wM|I|’s|'9|"W-  ’iw’‘iM‘>4lli]w’1>—4]iw’ ‘, V «~,,,-i
calltu.-tmyouulg.    -' ”
5. mssissiuniflll 2015 mm

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