Page 9 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 9

ow that entorcement tor accozdlng to Mississippi's law and -i
violation ot Mississippi's entorcement board's rules will talce 5 ~—
clig law has been passed, place. 9.
there are uestions ran in . . . .i ;z
‘mm’,,M“y‘hmEb§ngdOn27,, 5 5 spealonrlr otviolations, it is important 4 4
to, ”Vl/hy hasn't somehody already “’ 3?“ “"‘_ '.""“Y “f W‘ ‘““Y‘’* '“"”‘ 5
contacted me?" These are tairouestions Y" ?‘““°““5“‘1‘.‘1’““ “"9 ’“’f‘ b‘1:‘“'.d " ,
am‘  i "=~P°"*‘ }§§£3‘“r?i1Ian}i§“§”3.'; f’i§§g§r'i“ r - A
The short answer to the question violation is "no one call ticket", that ' ’ e _‘ » ‘ —
"Is anything being done" is "Yes." can he verified by vlewing the one call ' '_ V -1
consiclerthis; while the entorcement database.violationsthatreouire aelcl ' _ ' '
amendment went into ettect Ianuary 1, investigations will he conrlucted by the _ _,
2017, there was still considerable wurk Pipeline satety Division of the Public ' _ _ .
to he done bcfure entorcement could he service commission (PSC) as outlined . ;
admimstered fairly. The eniorcement in the enforcement amendment of "
hoarrl was not completed in Ianuazy as lvlississippis dig law
‘hey “'2” “"1 “'“‘“"g_°“ “""°‘“"“‘“‘” Penalties are as tolluws: tor the finl ‘
to it. Approval of rules to guide the . .
bum‘ Wm gomg though vmum offense, citation and training that c
I I _ _ _ . tocuses only on the violation; in: the A J
ega processes to assure compliance to d H _ mm and mum
Mississippi law. If there were violations :‘°°',‘ °‘h"l‘“f°' °‘_‘ _ M  . ., 1
that required training, ithad to he d‘.““1““{?_f “ h°“L‘:,°:l°‘[“ ‘?“‘“”‘P'’‘° :-
developerl in advance otentorcement. ‘*3 ?‘“' "“ E .". ‘’ *“’‘' ““““°“'
so, these obstacles had to be dealt "“““‘;5 ““d_/"’ “"“lP°“"“_Y: “S.” .
with lietore the program could move “'9' ° “°‘""' “PP” P"’“‘“‘°"” 3‘ ‘
iomfli could he pursuerl it the alleged violator . v _.
. I , v L
Earlyonrihebnardundmuvkthe \\ |l;lI Hli‘ l~lll'<ll‘t't‘lll<‘lll « l.
task otdetei-mining how to receive . . * , " -.-5”
noticeotallegedviolationstothelaw. lmzml I~ \\H|‘|tlI|‘_' |ii‘Il'1l V ~ ' «-:. I
clearly, this first step wn.~' critical. . -s , - "‘.
llwasdetznnlnedLhalnatlficntian Iwlw l\1w'1I~IlI't' Ilml l
of an alle ed violation would occur ‘ V I _ - V, - , , * ‘ ]
throughfnonlinefnnnldentifiedns H" I""‘ ‘ “ “ |'”' "WI _ I____ ,9 --
fj:’V‘§)[‘;f_§:':g§::§§;;';§;g:*5‘e |'(‘1l~«1)llill>|<' tit (‘\1'l‘\ A,‘ l
H-f°r<ementb°ard’~'WebsitesWW ~l3l|\l‘ll(\[ll('| i|l\I7|\t‘I|. '-"-1'/7 i
msdnml1gepre:Iem‘, orby cllcklng ,.x , 1. _
on disagrees with the endings of the ';v_; r I .
Year-Io—dale there have been 144 ‘“‘’“’‘'‘‘‘5“‘‘‘’“' ,-,5 ' ‘ , '.
alleged violations reported to the so, the answer to the second question . : “ I /92.’
entorcement hoard while the hoard "Why }la.~.n’t someliody already  . ,- 
could not tairly respond to most of contacted me?" is "If you haven't A“. A, -I.’ _ 3
them from an entorcement perspective already been contacted, you will he ',‘rI_-,’;— « 4e;;..',.
as they occurred hetore rules were contacted very soon." 5?‘ ~. -. -_ "f,_._",
estalalished, all ofthem havebzen , ;_ ‘.4’ --.- _-
   vzv ..—:.""’-’-"-‘
one thing should he not2d—all the process is tair and reasonable to every r._ j, -‘, ’-‘Y9:-,"'
submissions helped the lioarcl review stakeholder involved. ‘ " :‘. _ ;,_ . .
‘}“ °“"°“""‘°‘” °‘ “‘° f“"‘‘ I‘ was You mlght be interested to knuw that '»,v ‘. 7 :"'r>"}~i:‘; \—‘
determined thatsome changes to mm _ _ M‘ M __ __ 8“ 15 ~_.-_. 4. ,
the torm were necessary to provide "2 3”“? ‘’1 ° ““‘““""‘ ' ' .* e: . = ,
acieanr, moreconaseinvesngaaon. '*-"s“Z'1"°“""?Y“*8“‘“"*“‘“'* — ;_' -, ~ 2.
ltwas iurthercletermined that all §"{."° ‘;““:‘“““ "“ F‘;‘°"°‘;““‘ "‘ 4;“ '2'-_ :
sulimissions that occiirrerl prior to “E”? “’ “P Y?“ ‘“. °"_“‘ _ _ » V . ,~§».'—
septemher 1, 2017 would not result ’“§““F““g ‘3’*?‘h°§1"‘°!““"."" '’°““'“‘*’ 3 ’ . '  Q
in enforcement action, in an effort to ““‘“°‘“'“‘ W“ ‘ ° ""'““"“ ‘“‘d . I» .. - s 2-‘-
_ _. _ . articles driven by the feedback we ¢_ -
address the Avlzs in a timely fashion. Mme mm you ‘.3 I
AW” '“.“‘"°d.“f"“ §“"‘"‘b“ 1 “E I encourage all stalceholclers to be aware : I V
lieing actively investigated. If these M‘ hm _ ‘ (11
investigations verity violationshave ‘’ °."“°*""‘°‘ " °“ ”“”“° *3“
occurred, citations will he issued **"P“"““Y “" d*““““‘ ‘“ “‘° 1"” I‘
and appropriate entorcement action Dig satelyl W
2017, one o Mosissiaa E11 . 7

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