Page 10 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 10

 Damage Prevention Summit
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n Nuvnmbcr 1, 2017, damagn Gold Sp1.»n~ur~: Atmm Energy cnnuaccnn, USIC, unmy Trmmng
prcvcnlmn atakcholdcn Academy, Vatlor Manufacmnng/
‘mm mm the «am sum Sp1.»n~or~ Kmdcx Morgan swam Equipment’ vcmm
mnvvrgnd In Brian at nmnzn spnnms: Badger Dayhglllmg, Mudsoulh, V1v.1x—Mclmlccl1/TUSCD

Ihr Coldvn Nugget for tlm -W-‘ml CL‘mL‘r[’u|nt Encxgv, Cunwludatnd and W|ll1am~ Pxpclmc

MMWPPI Dar-mgr Prevent-an lnimslructum cm-1p, Dnclu V/Vnch,

Summit n was lhc fin! mp back to lhc plmda Ca, Tm,,,m,,.,,,,,, Camp“), (M Scvvml of our apvr-av!» and cxhtbttvrp
canal smcc zmu. The dccmun I0 mtum an gmgy Tmmc, com,,,“.,,), c,u;;g,.;c, }‘""*‘ “‘“‘"“>' °'3“°d “P ‘W W‘ W‘ "
P"-wed to be the ugh! om KmTnna mam. A1lAmcn:an Pxpclmc D‘“"“5" P'°“°‘“‘°“ 5“’“"“‘ "}'"d“'°d

' ' in be lmld back at Lhc Coldcn Nugget

Vundox booms aplllud out Into the fuycx U"'“Y T““’““S A°“““"‘Y' U5” ““d an Nuvembcr 7 — 9, 2013.

as the odubxt hall cnumn’: contain an V°’"‘°“ M'd5°‘“}‘-

cf them. A record crowd of aucndms The axlnbnms at Lhc zn17 Conference Th“ "“"“ ”‘“" 3°” “"““““"‘ fi""“
‘°“"d W‘"‘*°1“=~ "‘ =1“*‘~Y°°"“‘ wcm Atmus Energy, Badger the Workshops and attended .sn.s.smns
that Wm vvnrflowmg» Nntwvrkms Daylxglmng, ccs, Ina, Cnmtaal g°"’°d “’“""“ d‘“"“'“5 b°h“""" “"1
0PP0rtunmc~' Wm‘ Plmuful and, m one Spotlight, Cunwhdatcd Iniraatxucturn ““d°”‘“"d'“5 ‘M ‘’“P“‘ “‘ ‘}‘° "M
“W mmm Wm umhmd to fly’ ,,, Group’ Dmh Wm‘ Mldsmnhr Enforcement lnghlatmn Lhat went mlo
dun’! know why We new atlcndvd Encxtcch, Flonda Gas Txansnnssmn, "ml J““““’’' 1’ 2017’

thh vvcm bcfum It'~ bean an amazmg as an Enugv Tmn~[cr Company, A. was auscussca at the summu,
cor-fcrvncn and n’~ um thatI'l1m-wk Gxncn Eqnagamcnz Company, cnu wluln tlm lcgwlauun wcnt mm cffsct
my calendar for from nv-vw on.” Auanm Supply, cuusaic, Hcath last January, 1: was nccnmary to an
The Wnsm. who made um Elm,‘ consnnams, Kmdur Morgan, KuxTcxm, Ihc uniozcemcnl bnaml, develop

mm Fumble am Med below: Maars Construction, Muller P|pL‘lmc, min. fox upumuun and finally

M1a~I~axpp| an, MSRWA, NEL OSHA, develop appxopnalc lmmmg for

Platinum Sponsor» MNWMPPI B11, Paradigm, mam. All Amcncan Pxpclmc, Ihme dctcmuncd to be |n mlaunn
Progm~s|vc Parlncnng and ACTS New R..s..o1anm,son:hm. Dnll Supply, ofM1~shs1pp1’~ dug law bufom

In: Inc, The Pullcy Ccntu’, Tn—Slatc unmy

co/mNuED cw pace 1:

5 . Mrssrssrpmfill 2017 Issued

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