Page 18 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 18

Decision Making — Part II and Hurricane Harvey
r1~Ilssuelwmle about dzcmon Speaking at wet runwaya 7 we had a the worst storm rn lernaa of mlnfall that
making. A quick summary: lot ui W21 runway. In Texas tlu. pa.-t l ean renrernlaer. what 13 arnazrng to rne
An arrlrne pilot was tared nnlh week Hurneane Harvey mlnzd a lot r. how Houston anrl Tera. have reaeted.
a rleeraron whether thene wa. on a lot of pamdza. Lltnrally millions My pereeptlon is that there hm not been
enough runway to .-ately abort a takeoff at people have been affected 7 .-rune far a lot of ”fingnr pointing" but there has
heeauae the runway was "damp" hut , ‘ been a huge outpounng of a.alatanee
not wet. (Tim was hetore the takeoff.) ] lib, , '4! ., pg En‘, ‘_ y ) ! I!‘ , ham people pllclung .n to help the lea.
The quesllnn horled rlown to what - = = r « l ‘— ‘ \ tornrnate. ln rnany way~, Harvey ha.
eould the prlottellaheanng erannner ~ \ \ V ~ bennaumiylng event. Peaplepulhng
(fll“dg<‘)If>0mE‘h1“$\’\’¢mWY‘?“8° “ I i l!é% Y HM H” I h€% ‘, togelhertoraeonunoneau.-e Itwlll
How aate |S mic” . , Iakc a long ume hetore dung» are more
Slnnelxvmlctlmlaxtltlmlthought »l in pl ft tn ll l mt ;;;g;~;;f;;j;;*;m;§,§;r;f;g;';{!hO
aboulllanme more. The Issue of what a ; ,d’1Lh H ,,HDUSmN
do you tell the prdge when iomlsllung [)5 ‘ E EH‘ E L; H ={ 4 §"T§E,',i,'::‘2'bma:;"l'f,O:‘lOmn W”
3”“ “’‘°“$ ““ 5‘ “““"">' ‘"‘P°""“‘- . naturalrzerl Texan l arn indeed proud at
But, upon iurdlex relleeuen, very [CW 3 » « I I . ~ \ ’
. Hi 4/ :.§ I ‘l { \ the way the clty and Texas have reaeted
people even lhrnh abuul the potenhal r .
legal ronaequenreaotpoardeeraron  i E :7 , 5 ,, dT‘1E‘"'(:‘lfC‘:°d‘;";n’?“cm
rnalnngtrorna.-atety per.-peeuve. K‘: t§‘‘~ . 1- ‘H. 4 P! ~§ "}'1’Efimmm‘hMmEPm mfdml "
T1‘““”“‘W “‘° Va" '“"i°‘“Y °‘ “°"‘ 1 * teams 111 the vnluntgirs iynd even our
rnraaeaanrlrnyuneadonolreaultrn ~,§{;g-in Mi gym“-V; l‘_;l‘m H ‘hi"‘m hm‘
lmgatlon. But Lhe  mzlyanty ofnczlr , V fn“‘fE‘d;’m jjgdggng:n;";5l';;;m;v
mlss£~'r1ndln}uzicsare,In my opinlon, 9‘ .7 . 3‘. ‘ '
avoidable. The bellczquest|nn—aa “! i A 5 51 5 <3 i I L” d” tK_°f“‘j,“" ”‘° GREAT ‘”"""' A“
oppo~2d to what doltell the ,urlge=— . i g r I _ “F” ‘“ 2’.
Is whatdoltell my loved one. or my 3 Li 3 {Vi H la,"m,mfmm PHMSA m,mm_,m,y
co-wozkcrs? l thought about rt and
‘ mm“ W , Sommmmham .. , X. E _,1_ VicePrrsldmll0/Pl;lchINSy5ImllCam;lh—
Y Y * * E i N M ii I 91. I . lznterlrld opemltottasrmees/orcz Plzrlr
aunplyernlaarra.-alng. Eulsumzlimss . ,
. . mrs, LLC. lzrmzll /l27m [l1cnbl(rL32—ls.mlu
al:vv:mIn‘urlnaxL>~'ult. when significant mm Wm‘ mm mm M hm“,
“““"“E“" '“|“""' 1“‘PP‘“' “’“Y"°“>' andlnrere bl:ose‘d onrhorneniaa )
pays out: way or another. _
not floudnd and we only loat powcz --“Hana
Iolm Wayne, aeeordrnglo myxmszaxth, ioraiewbnefpenoda. "lhouaanduat 7 --an-n
never .-ald "Life r. tough, but it's People anrl ncarbybualnzwses were 5 1 7 3
tougheriiyou'mstupid"ozanything not as lucky Sumes1illdunulhave> W 1 Mann
slmllar ltry not to he atuprrl anrll power anrl otlmm have yet to deal with g 2 1 , 3 5
ham .9 have ,0 gxplflln ,0 fnv W“, of darnage rnrlreterl by tornarlo. or huuana g 5 v
— a. _ 9 a 2 7 1
so yzazawhy l dld .-arnethrng stupid. and can still underwater. 3 .5
n.aaaga...a.aa. Ihalehzanng, "l M Mmdmm , -g -9 nnna
told you .al" but if the shoe nta... ‘ ’ ‘ P —" g flflfl
eannot he prepared fur Harvey waa 0,
,5 . Mlsslsslflmfill 2017 Issued

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