Page 8 - Mississippi Magazine 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 8

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. an  LUHL‘  Ms -, ,
lwas ,usl a mammal day. I0: and pnor lo the communcumcnl cf Up mml now, comuamus covurlng
Contmtloz got a call (0 do some you: work, markcd all underground cxcavaluxs oftnn dud pay uullty damagn
work, and called In a ~ub for (11: property lncludmg, but not llmllcd lo, tlmm~ — the word "L‘x:av.1lox" mull
lrcndung pan Evnrytlung was all undugmund llnus, P|pL‘~, mlalu. or ~ay~ ”dlg,” so It would be a lmlc laaml
goilndg zllloni]uslE:’:x1l;n;(L‘d w};<L‘n, uulmus. to deny co\‘uagL‘ for dlggmg.
zsm  “‘[::l‘ugr:_'u;d‘I°)’D’::Y‘1l‘:m The lcttcr c0nl|nuL‘~, "You advhud that Yet, |f ll I~n’t wnllcn correctly, an
Hm , , kn k d ‘ f f you dldnulgctadlg uckL‘l;thcmfom cxcavatuxcuuld also find himself
po\'lcI\'l2I~ or u ou ura cw
1 we lmvn nochmcc but lo advwc vuu wltlmulcovuragc Emyuala dmcxlpllun
“’“'” “"1 ”‘° ""‘”“ °"’“P““—" 1”“ tlnll11L‘xL‘ h no c0vL‘r'lgc fur mus’: mums 1 ipcclfi: code (Int olclmnlnu.
“’ '°P1‘“° d‘‘' l‘“‘'‘' wh?" ‘M "W" damages and wc wlll not be handling the mic and mvumgus for whlcll lhc
camcbzlckon,l11urcwaaapv.»wur (1 I b h “H I Vh 1d_ Ynb‘ h ‘d Cw
WEEW1dmbcmmhflmmmhad usaalm on your a a . pulcy o an. LC mgr. . gr am
clccmtal damage, and the clalm.1m.s' ‘°“‘“‘$“‘ ““‘ °“°““‘““ “"°“f~T,“
aamagas mngcd [mm a few hundred W‘ 'Mf>,f;1‘= film“; cf“ A ‘ff; f
ulullms [0 (Nu ughk lholhand ulullms. E:v‘c'r‘:’g‘:“m°|’t’
You aalmsaol our lndcpundnm admslm — ‘ ’
that yau ma not  a locale mm :,§:}§‘3f;)‘;:;:;fI;j‘;fv ""4 “'9'
and that you had nu cunuacl wllh mu *
mbcuntxactux " But, ll In the |ntcxL‘~t of pncc, the
above» :f:::;':l:a:?:::t:>5rl:‘;:‘;:6.
fmmalcttcxfmm anammal msumncu * ‘ * * ‘ ‘
V V hcapcx mic he .s NOT gumg (0 have
cumpanytua tunlmclordnnylng ‘ _ K ’_ _
mmgc my um Mada“ M not A :ovLmgL arm luls an undugmund
utlllty 7 bccaum a slam rock m~t.1lIcx
nunnaldayanymum Inc Contmtmr ,
ls faring hugc lassas 7 maybe even mu “*5” “'3 ’ “"4 ‘‘‘°’“ “ "° “““““5“
1% Of lm bumm, bullk m for It Pmpcx coverage casls
what It cusls — .u.—l llku your ~cIvlr:L‘~ do.
There h now NEW language wltlun Don’! n~k L‘vL‘rylhIng you have to ~.1vL‘
many polmu. spcclfitally aulolmsslng a law dollars’
“""““5“ 0”” ‘F A LOCATE "A5 If You want Your (11 v to slay normfl tell
BEEN DONE.Th|sL1nguagC|S dlmcl 3 3 ‘3 — ‘ '
mm the POW: your agunl the truth about cvcxylhmg
you do, and make sun: |t ls ll~tsd on the
Pnm to cummcnung wmk pullcy; have a contract with your subs,
(1) You have ulhcx wlaavs cnllcally lmpurlant ls that P‘“ “““'"5 3“ “" “ ““T“"““°“‘ "‘ ‘1““
mm“ Companies are now :ontmEl— have then agcnt send you a
a) Conlmctcd the appropxlalulucal wmmuy auuwmg mvmgc M tcrtlfitam cf lnsumncu nammg you as
underground locatlng ~L‘rvI:c, or unmgmund _mhm_‘_ ‘F and ONLY Addmonal Inmmd
1,) va,,,:,ad,}m.a1m;..nda,g,o.,,.d laalucalu laaslm-u callcd m, while AND
locating Contact has bnun mad: by dmymg covcmlzr for a cla-m If a _
““"O[1‘c‘ Wu}, ,1“. ,a.,,,,,..,b,1,t,,, and locate has anol been callnd m. If your CA1’-'1-18111 BFFIOFE fig” D‘C>}(: ~i"f=*
companylsn'td()|ngIlVcl—lnHtmc,|l °",v,g= “M W‘ ="'~m - >0"
cl Tlu-lamungsummlaasmsponuluzl, u,,n,.,,0,,_ ' dor-Lflfl
5 . Mrsslssrpplfill 2017 Vssuzl

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