Page 7 - Mississippi Magazine 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 7

"we mcclvcd ntnte calls thnn CVCI lterete tn ztlln, ~(\ we

htted tnttte eu.-tnntet ~L‘rvI:c tepte.etttttttve- te take calls

and IL‘p1t1(L‘dtl1()>L‘ agents we le.t tn ()k11L‘r‘1.»b~ evet the la.-t

lew m()nt11>," Fmd -uttl. "we added nI(\l’L‘ p11y~I:£\I ~paCc tn

eut enll eentet [Or new CSR- and art‘ :L»nl|nu0|hIy wuxklng , .
en (lthcr p[()grt1m>l(\gl_'l]()Ct1lL‘ rcq|IL‘sl~ fllbnllkkcd tn w:ly~  
1.»thcrtht1n]u~'lcalIlng nut 81! nunthet," he .-uttl. W E D El T H  ‘.,fii~]c.- t
Altcxnatc .-tthntt..tnn (\ptI()n~ tnelude nnhne tltkct - &,....:e.....n-.
submhsmn and the new mobllc app, both nl whteh H11‘

gaining p()pIIlanky zlnmng L‘XCIl\'t1l(u’~‘ whn V/v'l~h tn ~'klp the Cumplm Dmmam managmam and mmkev sulmmnsl

call tentet ltne nll mgulhcr. But rnt the.e whn ptelet the , ,
mcdmndrtrilc p1'\0nL'llckct~ubml~M0n,a unlqul: p:\ItnL‘r~1'up 115 M13"-“'5 F1” "1 “*9 V‘-""1555 595'“ 5'“ “'5'” "1"?

wtth Tnxnafill t. hclplng te mducc call ttnte. tn us. Uut lamlly ul |:DmpE|1IE5 ptuvldes:

"Tu kccp pc()plL‘wlmct11I[mmhavIngm111.»ldIorlnng . Telmm‘ Elem: 3; 535 gmstnmm

pcrlndsoftlnlc, wL"\'L‘ partncmd wIthTcXt1~8ll tn takl: .ntne _ Wm“ “mark s_ TWH Cmsmmm

et nut 1.»vL‘rfl()wc:llls," rted ~£ud. "When velunte gcb high “ '

and we hnve callus tn nut qumlc, nut system nutttntntttnlly ' FW‘E55|Dfla1 SHMEES 31 5115 DEVEIUFWEM

scnd~ th().~tL' calls tn TL‘Xt1~ " ~ HAS snluuutt Design 2- Imegrahun

Tuxzlséill u~c~ the ..tnte .~ttttwttte and CSRt[a1nIng .t~ ' Underumund U|11lFt‘Lu:aUn§

Mlswlislppl 811 nnd pledges the >t1I'nL‘ eetnntttntent tn tlckct Wm, Wu ,_mk Wm, us Wu km, V,,u~,,,, med

aCC|Irt1(y A slightly dtnetent t1((L‘l'II ntny he the Only up that ' ‘

your CSR F m 3 “mm M, the r|ghtpEl:Ip1a,nn tn.-tttnt wha| the pub.

"It’~ln1purIantfur penple tn understand when 0|Ir CSR- , . , ;

take n lnente rCq|IL‘~‘l, they nte tequtted te take n. I'nL\(1'\ we ‘'9 G“! Tm‘ ‘

tttrntntnttnn n. they (fin nnd he neeututely n. they (fin

bCCt1|I~'L‘ n nttnute 01’ twn extra ~pL‘nl tn the (all eentet enuld

(mull tn hours ttr ttnte being ~a\/ed nttt tn the held when

the locaturs am trying tn ttnd whete they nte supp(\~‘L‘d tn

bn," Fted etttd "we don’!pIItaIuku[Dmp11a~l< en 1'\L»wl(\ng

tt lzlkcs tn lzlkc .t nckcl. out emphasis |~‘ en £\CC|Irt1(y and

addltI(\nt1l ln[m’maU(|n thnt enn help wtth the pI0(L‘~s.

Thtent et entnteentent ~'lI1p~' up pt1rllClp£|kI(\n, ~pmads

I()Ct1l(u’s thtn

wtth Ftetlg tennt capzlblu nt handling the addltlonal (all

tnlutne, lotatnrs ~crt1mblL‘d to C11»: 0|ItL't1(h tltkck wtthtn ,

the nllntted twn Wnrklng any.-.

L()Ct1l(u’~‘ wete kept ltu.-y tt. C(\mI'nunlCIlklnn~‘ COI'npanN_'~

eenttnued lo cxpand then InvL'~‘lmL‘nk tn rthet opt): ’ »
tntnt.ttuetute k11mugh()ul the ~tt1lc. cenentl c()nslrIIcll()n 2 /.
acuvlly t1l~(| tnnllnuud nn upward ttend, (caulking tn n need ._
[Or ntete boob en the ground, actordlng tn Mlkc McCall,

stale maliagct let sxtrxl C()nIm|InICt1ll()n>, W1'\l("\l(|Ct1lL‘~'

undcrgrmlnd uKIlIllL‘~ rnt AT&rT thmughnuk the slim: nt

Mlsslislppl HF cmW~ dcal nnt enly wtth schcdulcd llckL'l~,

but1n\'CsUgt1lL‘ dt1rnagL‘~ and t1l'v:|nvol\'L‘d tn cmcrgflnty mll~

a~ well.

"ThL‘rc's n let 0! C(\n~lru(ll()n atllvlfy tn Mt..t~.tppt right

new, and wtth the new <entnteentent> lnw ~karUng |Ip,(l1£\k/~ S & N

Incmascd the (all volume," Mtke stud "we ~kancd up Carl)’

trying to get nhend et tt, nnd we ~L‘L‘rn te he tn pretty good

shape nght n(\W we ttte ztl peeple nhend er whete we wete ‘ I .

t1'1I~ ttnte lnet yent we’te heptng n(\tl(\t1dd t1nyl‘n(\IL‘, but tr H*"“l' ’“ F“ =""’”‘i‘

the velunte ls thete we wlll." Edll us d7 EUU—l'5l'—L'lE-IL

Fted and Mtlte beth attrlbukud pntt 0! the tneten.-e tn tnll ‘~'1'W1'”" L31“

tnlutne 7 n 13.3 pl1r(L‘nlInCn_‘:l>L‘ ()\'CI zuls 7 tn .1 mzlcklon

te the entnteentent pI()\'l~l0n nt the ~'lzm:'~ one Call Lttw. The

law‘ took etreet lnnunty l, 2017, but was widely ptthltetzed

tn ztlln T1'\L‘1t1WWt1~thC ~lzltL‘ legtelututeg rc~'pon~'L‘ tn the

p(\~~1b1hky ox lmlghtcnud rcg|Ilam.»n nnd rtnee by the tudcral

com/Nl/Es 0N mg 7 "my suhsmmy ,,
PiI‘il|El'S T9VK§E‘l§.tt.  ¢£.“‘" 59'!‘-5-t 0 

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