Page 3 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 4
P. 3

from the desk of
Sam Johnson
COVID continues to make its presence felt across the nation and our state. And yet we continue to experience high ticket volumes. Hats off to our Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) who are still working from home and providing the same world class service our callers have come
to expect. While all of us are anxious to get back to normal (whatever that means), out of an abundance of caution and concern for the welfare of all our employees, we’ll continue to work from home until we feel it’s safe and necessary to open up our offices for all employees to return.
In the meantime, continue to contact us by calling 811 or by clicking on the Portal at We’ve got you covered.
Let me remind you that electronic positive response becomes effective in Mississippi on January 1, 2021. Contact one of our Damage Prevention Coordinators to learn more about the impact of positive response and what you need to do to be ready when it goes into effect.
Thanks to all of you who were able to attend our annual Mississippi Damage Prevention Summit that began on November 4 at the IP in Biloxi. We very much appreciated your feedback. Additionally, I want to thank those of you who took advantage of the opportunity to sign up for positive response and to learn more about how it works and the impact it has on enforcement of our dig law.
We’ve heard from several who wanted to attend but because of safety concerns and travel restrictions, you were not allowed to make the event. Hopefully, by the time our 2021 Summit takes place, all of these obstacles will have been removed.
Many thanks to our growing number of supporters of this magazine. Whether you are in the retail side of this industry or in the utility side trying to reach folks who can damage your facility; this is the publication to be in. It reaches the people you want to reach. If you haven’t made the decision to advertise with us yet, I hope you will reconsider and give us a call. You’ll be glad you did!
Dig safely...
Sam Johnson
President Mississippi 811
2020, Issue 4
Mississippi 811 • 1

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