Page 15 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 15

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_ fimrnrr 5“S/ou Me5n I Don t ave It?
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i - _ > To . ,- K -;:‘?p%~._~a~__§. ‘mePalh':_uCenker
fin  A ,. . . I ‘ _‘__ _ .u.‘’ , 5; s , Jucksarhms ,
had a eau the onher day {rorn house or office hui1ding(bztause flood Likely Prohaloilixy» Potential» How do
a nlstomer who was smoking is flood — personal or husaness) is non you evzr feel secure?
.nad — has l1CIL$§:‘VgDlflCICId€]ddi2‘a in a good zodne the bank iinol going no‘ when you am talking mm mmge
‘ nannsnonm, an nsagenuo un require loo nnsunanee.T ansrzg l——1 whhyour aggmm yDMmmmd;n
uwasnneoyenedv we address [or\v1w1chI1weloan 15 for h _. I t, .1 H 1 t _ I
h to he oursade ofa"hi h risk’ “"“g"’”‘ 5 3”" 3, ° °€’€ °‘ “W
Nupa, p,g.1,a.,1,, ‘Q/a5n‘_ “PPM ,n _h E U whan you have to gel.’ Ifyou yusr ask
1°"*nY°“ "ml °““"“"°"‘5 F1°°d ahoun what you have no have to sanssny

You see it on Ty all nhe name; here Insuranee requh-ernenns." ‘hm lam dosing mpmmems‘ you“
‘°'““ 3 '?‘g ”“".‘ ‘“’a‘“ ‘“‘‘d‘‘ d°""‘ using me scenario ahoye. just heeause noI going to know What you Could hm
3 “"3” ""1 ‘“1""““'“ "°“5‘“~ ‘’“'‘‘“%1‘ the bank doesn't require in doesnl rnean no protect nhar 1arge investment you are
“"9 ‘“’"‘ Y-'““*‘~ “'°“ “"9 5"“ 3'“ you wonl wish vou had in an some point ahoun to make.

into the nexn from yards. \nValer nows W doesihmammdmnha mm '

down like Niagara Fa1ls—0K, nnayhe W m En F100 d low dealfljmh UnlossFEMAmnl-irosinthzloankr
nollhatmuclw. hnn enough rononaee,— {I P hPb.1:Vl' H . R d d who's also in as biga hurry as you ares
enough to wash out your yard. [I gens “P” 3 “Y” “mg W -'"“E“- dDzsn'(carzwhe|1weryou getflood
into the honses usually in anew l-‘EMA classifies risk hy using three insurance AND unlzss Flood Insurance
subdivision, and heres the newseasrer overartlwing flood zones hased on the is nor a loan closing, you re gonna have
ho1d;ng a mit in [mm on a horneowner mrehhood on flooding in rhar arza: a 30 day wait to gelilanyway.T1wey're
whossayingnhndinsuranee wonlpay _ H, I _. k S . m d” d slot-norointz-‘soledinprolocling

[or Ihis.ldun'( know what we're going A_ ‘E”‘51 fr lI’:“‘V"°3 dam nheir inleresls (their eouareral) nhan in
whan kind of ansuranee doesn't eoyer v is the most hazardous nood zone, y°"‘

Hood? and it is usually found in beaclnimm Cheap insurance is not chzap. But it

. h ' h '

 en; 3";  Z B a:2::5::;:".x::*,::*1:::;V:;:.:3"
eoy_er oo . lsavtomp elayfepfdrate o erale—ns areas an ones w1mym,md,m,W_.E_i

polxcy — and tlwais the on1y usk u and x.

does eoyer. Flood is nev2r"incl\Ided" _. k _ . d Your home, your business properly—
in 3 ,,g,mW,,g_. D, pmpmy Paw ' Low’--S was m 10"“ L on X» that’: what you work an your me no
Ever. The on1y placz no eyen gel Flood Obviously, the nearer you are no waner, how and mioy» This is not the place to
Insurantz is nhe Federal Govemmznl. nhe mreher you are no have waner bar-go-n hum-

Your agenl. on eourse. is where you damaging your pmpeny. The surnher Al lust have your aggm explain WW5
“"P1"°"“ *".‘“Y Y°“ 3"‘ "°‘“ ‘"*'*‘;’l' ‘°fFk‘1'1"*v ayanahle no you no protzct evzrylhing
where to start? who's at Iaull? who to ::Y|’l“;'i1§;’:fl'o ‘o‘f;;‘r‘";;E “B:f‘dD‘n"; ]yE{‘:l”]‘E you've got!

1'1"“ word ”1ike]y' lull you into a ralse sense Let the fans help you dzcldo Q

Let's "blame' the bank. They require or seeurny. There's No area totally free

firz insurance. don't they? But, if the on the polenlial for nood.

2020 Issue 2 Mrssrsswprsn . 1:

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