Page 22 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 22

H 2020! nv taint Iacubl
int happened iast year — hiit August up one person was pupa‘ eventiiaiiy, rinai reports will he issiied.
:t was alreiativeifi sate _year] 5 peopp Wm lmpptalwa and 75 iveiv regulallons may Dr may not i-esnit.
12;a!;;P:;j;‘j~mTS:fg“‘;;jj:rd residents evacuated. This iaa-win-la- Invesligations take tine. Investigators
1 V P _ d y_ ]_ iine had an eiectric tiashvveided seain wan, to get ,1 e,;g,,,n and ml ,0 mp,

KNTSBI on l§_InvesI-gvawh two inilne me and was coated with real tar hut as of mm mdms Gum wlma we ALL
acct ents. ii-st, a zinc natui-a gas . . ' ' .
aIlh2Ioa4—intl1main j:;;;i,;§::;';§;,‘;;f ";=**.;"'5‘§}°;-. W°_§=*¥“°".""%S
(both piastic) was damaged by a thirdr _ ‘ml; ‘H"’° 3 1;‘ ‘‘’l "T‘;_“‘“ ‘Em ‘WI _
party  installing a fiheroplic ohv-eusiv. there were many other 5;?“ 3 wvggygmj;-) E mm W °*
cahie in san Frantisco. The leak caughl P‘P9]""° amdms m zms» 1 <hD§E 01959 3‘ '

hi-e hiit tiiere were nD injuries. There two because they were the Iwo intked The hdttisrn iine — Iry 10 dB Ihings so
ivas an evacuation and service In sevei-ai by the NT 53- Both r-yuld have been that you would not teei iincisrnidrtahie
hiindred ciistdrners was ternpdrariiy m-rlw wor§e. That sa-d_. the loss of explaining what iiappened to a juxy or —
ciiitaiied. Second‘ a 3o—inclrt‘liameIer even use 1-12: snsnetlxnl-Kg tiialfihould even worse — to yD|Ir indthervi

iiatiirai gas transmission pipeline new 9 E0" 0519 » 3‘, ° 1 959 ‘W° . . .

i-iiptnred and caiight are ahaiit 35 iniies arc-d_ems have ‘“_<°mm°“»" 0_ne i_vas_ 0?? 5"‘ ‘° W‘ W'‘’' """“5A= A"°"‘
southwest of Lexington. Kentucky on relatively smau diameter ialasuc iniae -n ""5 I--we 135*  PHMSA """°“.“‘

a city. the other was large diarneter steel 31111‘§'"5PPm°_“ prnwmls from 11%
ppm in , ppimply iveh site and switched, inr aii practicai
rural mi The pnrpdses, id what had iieen tenned an
only mmmm “iiitegi-ated inspection’ (IA) process.
a1,,,,a,m (a, pas, i have heen involved inva niirnher
,5 [Br 35 wa km, of these "new" [A exercises over tiie
now) are tiiat both past year- _In my personal -gpiniqn.
Envnlved mm] Puivisix missed the boal with this

Wm, ,pA,,,,,NG ACADEM, gas and imp decision. The [A process is a LOT
_.m,,Ed 3,, 5,9; lncII‘E work for hdth tiie inspectors and
, I one [,,,m,. mmmm tiie pipeiine apei-atai-s. i have not seen
' ~ ais,.,a,1., NOBODY any rneaningtiii irnpnweinent in the
‘ _ and , do mm cIu(EDmEs at the mspectmns. Jnst lny
, - N()30[)y' , is IWD cents.
“PPY ‘hm ‘hm with i-espect Io riiiernairings. the
i “Ems °<<““‘*='> Hazardous Liquid Rulemaking and
Tips N1-53 ma the iirst pofllon of the Gas "Mega
___, pippfinp and Rule" were piihiished. Ectlh take efiect
‘ L Huardous nextriluly 151:. There is morei to csme
   CK  >Ai>4«(  w we Ma Ma]: Sam mg; mg‘ E .335 Mg; R“ E , D
, \\ 4 , Ad,.,;,,;5.,a.;c.,1 nol envy the Gas Pipeline Advisory
_e y ‘ -3 (pHM5A, Wm Cnmmillee terms) or PHMSA.
' '5 5' ,°°'“P'.*‘“ .‘“*“' Finally: with respect to |‘Ea\\IlhD|‘i1.alicIn‘
A‘ g at gnvesfi-3a'I°"5 and rest assiired tiiat there will he hearings,
I 3 'd°"“‘v W 0“ PHMSA will he reaillhoxized and that
'“°" “°°‘ °=_*“5“ pipeiines wiii cdntiniie to he regulated
      \\( _.,£a,da,11.l by PHMSA and PHMSA3 SW Pmnm
as a ct
. u '1 ' , h i h - ii
888_88Z_8777 niaietha_n twis nti next tirne e sa e Dul t eie
. pipeiiiie incidents Q
Inf0@ulaSearCh.C0rn % woRK5MARTERi pm my 3“ _
www.utaSear(h.(om investigating) and ’f""' ’“‘°’” """“'/"”” MM”
far qitrstiims or ciztnniritts, entail
2a . Mississllapifill 2020,!ssuel

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