Page 3 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 3

from the desk of
.- many ot you have heard, we've been in the
pmcess at getting Du! new facility teaely to move
tnto tor the past several months With all the

necesaary renovations mmplzted, the move has been made
and 811 is now loeateel at 200 Country Plaee
Parkway tn Peatl. You ean reael more about the ncnd to
move and the plana the Board ot Dtreetots have tor the new
loctmun m thn l~suc.
Them was no tnterruptton tn ~L‘rvItc nunttg the mow: and
we [eel that the move wtll provtole zlddlllunal benettts to our
membershtp we were ttnable to pxowdc at the loeatton that
snxvud us so well tot more than 30 years
It looks ltke we're Wlndlng down uuth another record year
as the call volume eonttnues to amaze u~. Thanks tor ealltng
all bcfom you dlg. lt ts eertatnly a huge part ot the profit»
of keeptng Ml~s|s~lppl a safu plaee to ltve and work.

ltrust you stgnerl up for the Ml~i|islppl Damage Preveutton summtt tn B|lOXl thts year It is ltkely

taktug place about the ttme you've reeetveol thts halls onee agatn, tt louk~ ltke another reeotol Crowd

eomtng together to dhtum enforcement and Rs trupaet on all of us. The way to lmprovc the pxuctss ts

to get mvolvnd tn the planmng and provtoltng teeelbaek to us as how to make tt better. [Vs never too

late to get mvolvnd.

Many thanks to out growtng number of supporters ot thts ntagaztne. whether you are tn the retatl

sldc ot {1'1l~ tnolustry or tn the uttltty sldc ttytng Io reaeh iolko who can damage your taetltty, tht. h

the publteatton to be tn. lt teaehes the people you want to reach. lt you haven't made the deetston to

aolverttse wtth tts yet, lhope you wtll reeonstrler and gtve us a eall You'll be glad you atoll

stop tn to VIM! u. tn Pearl and remember to eall B11 bcfum you oltg.

Sam Iahnson
A/lt......,t,,. 311
2019 Issued Mlsslsslpw an . 1

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