Page 21 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 21

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lit vLuc3»I’m ullllty locale: lmmdllcci new lnnovnnve loul~ my Iucallng buncd uulme. mnnng damage prcvcntlon
wlnle gatlmnng lnioxmatlon fox anzllyals,
wnl. two ~L‘l~ of meened 3D anzennn. uglml dhmrllun l~ Cih‘l1ydClL‘ElCd and dhplaynd on the bnghl full color dliplay.
Along wnl. ela»-le locale scmL‘n~ (11: vLne3 ~L‘nc~ l1.»:atur~ offer new locale pcmpccllvc .ereen. of Vctmr Lucatc for fully autu-
mall: nowwalk over lncatlng, TmnsvL‘r~c Graph .hnwln,; both peak and null s'lmult.1nc()u~ly pzuvldlng lmmndlatc mcmummcnl
of ugnal dwmrtlon, Plnn V|CW ihuwlng zhe mlallvc (mnntalmn of the table at any angle, and n new gmplucal senele irmcn wlth
guldanu: anew. lcadlng to me mndc lotatlon even when |t l. vemenl.
The lughly user configurable vLoc3 .~ene.- cunlalna eight pamwc locale modes, fault-find mode, SD (ahowlng dlmmon nl outgmng
eunenl), and a range at cunfiguxabln lxequenele. {mm 16Hz to 200 kHz. Audlo and l'nL‘E1'1ilnlCill\’|bYflKlUn nlen. can nlw be tonflge
urcd by the user pruvldlng waxnlngi [or ~lmllow dcplh, overload, uvulmad cables, and exee»-we ~wlng|ng. Plug-ln—pl.1y uplmna
for the rccclvur mcludc upllunal Eluulouth moduln umabln wlth cxtumal CPS dnvlcca and EMS foot to locate buncd l‘l’|flYkL‘Y~. Q;
rm mun‘ 111/UIIVI/If/Utl Am H115 wul plum» by Vlvru.-Mcfrufllrh glv m www zlizwr-ltlcflu!c4‘}l.aml m Cutvmtl yum (ml denlm
2019,lSlue4 ,,.w.m.e

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