Page 12 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 12

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or more than au Vc.1r- I\I|~'~1~>')ppl an rc>'Idcd .1: 5253 Cedar Park DHVL‘ m mum. Dux-mg that um, um
0rgamz.1l|un underwent trcmcnduu~' gm\\'lh m nmmbu--hup, cmplu_\'L\*~' and tcclinulogy.
For am pm 2; H) 1U_\'cax'~', this board at du-mm. ha. been on the lookout fax a ~paCc um would km mm
the mL‘mbcx'~'hIp fur the next 30 _\'v:ax'~'. While suturing tlm ugh! ~'p0t was |mpunant, lhcv wanted to cruum
that lhcv wcm abln to makc the nghk nnancml duuwuun a~ wnll
Rcccntlv. -uch .1 pux-chm opportunity bccamc .1\'ml.1blc. l\«I1»'l~'a1pp| an began to operate lmxn then nnw amen
cnmplc\ at ELM Cuumn‘ Place Parkwav m Ynarl on Dcmbu ZS.
SamIuhruun.prcaxdcntuH\.hv~1~s|pp1811 ~a1-‘l, '1 m elated um wt was abln to take ad\'am.1gr: LV‘ nu.» L»ppuItun|tV.
Wh|lL‘ n ha. rnorc ~pacc than .. nc(L‘~~'an' my our call (enter apex-.mun., n .mm'd~' u~ the upporlunIt_\' m pm\'IdL‘
unique .-mm-- to our m.-mbmlup I mvxm our m.-mbm and mm-. ul um mm.“ to ~mp by and let us ~l\uw Von
um po>'s1b1I|uc>'."
 mmmsll 3019 

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