Page 3 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 3

from the desk of
ur dear friend Henry Greer recently retired tront
Mississlppl 811 what a blessing he has been not
only to me, but to all who were tot-tunate enough
In know htm, and that may be just abottt everybody tn
Mt»-‘t.-otppt. lknow you joln nte tn Wlalung htnn the very
best gotng forwaxd
Cheek |ns‘|dL‘ lhh balm to read more about Henry. On the
posltlvc s‘|dC, we've htred 1'1l~ replaeentent already John
stalltngs, brother to C1\zlxln.s,ha~' htt the ground runntng. If
you haven't met John yet, be sure to look htnt up the tt’r.t
chance you get W'n’vL‘ been lmpnewsed wtth htnt and we're
aux: you wtll be too
It wun’l be long now’ Expeet to get the announeennent soon.
M|a~l~a|pp| 811 la ntoytng to ID new loeatton. stay tuned’
M|a~l~a|ppi B11 recognizes our rc~‘pon~‘|b|llty to all of you
The uwncxs/operator», the lucaloxa and the cxtavaton depend on the aeeuraey and tlmnI|nc~~' oi data
tront our Eustumnr wrvlcc n:prL‘~L‘nlatlvL‘~ (CSR) Our eotnnutrnent to you is that we wtll not be your
problem! we are avallablc to proytde the tntonnatton you need to be ~uccn»'iIIl and do tt wtth a omllc
]u~t gtve u. a ehanee to do that by ealltng all or by eltektng on the Portal at WIL/ll/.lll5X“.UIX.
Have you ugncd up fax the Mla~l~a|pp| Damage Preyentton suntrntt yet? Thu year the sutnnut |S lo
beheld at the 11’ Casino and Re.ort tn BIIOXL l expeet thts summit to be the biggest yet and fur a lot
0irct1~uno.DnL‘ of them h that there wtll be .e»-ton. focused on entoreernent ofoux dtg law and lb
Impact on you we're also wmklng on a iew aIIrpn~'L‘~ for you at Lhh ycax’~ event. l'tn eonfident that
you'll want to be part of what is gotng on.
The sutnnut |S ochcdulnd tor Novcmbu 13 through November 15, 2019. You ean eheek tt ottt by gotng
to ttmtu.attsstsstppt.damayeptet;mttutottmmtt Cum. But If! were you, I'd go ahead and .tgn up now.
Many thanks‘ to our growtng number of ~uppum:r~ of l1'1l~ rnagaztne. whether you are tn the retatl
aide ot {1'1l~ lnduitry or tn the uttltty aide trytng to reach folk who could damage your taetltty, this D
the publteatton to be tn. lt machca the people you want to reaeh If you l1t1vL‘n’l made the dcclslon to
ad\'crlhL‘ wtth us yet, lhope you will mmnudu and gtve us‘ a eall You'll be glad you dtd!
Dtg iairsly.
5 I
2019 Issue] Mlsslsslpw an . 1

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