Page 13 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 13

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Teamlvlax, Inc.
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collaborative team member, and my of my organizational mnsulfing career, socially acceptable manner. lmagine tor
guess is a ”dismrlerl Egu" is a primary the major challenge team(s) face is a moment how easy providing teedback
driver. (This is a story tor another lime.) team members making the decision to cnuld be it team members adhered to

L Helping Em mm m Sum“ :i:;;dl5iere to this simple teamwork ghfeldetault position that feedback is a
C““?"°"‘“"° ‘°“"?W‘“" ‘S my‘ WM“ 3. Vision 2) It just makes cummnn sense that
reading the fullnwmg steps ask yourselt _

. . . . ,. . ,, . every team should want In know how
two questmns: 1) Are these behaviors wurking to aolueve a vision is one am Pmmmm is “patting Bum
within my body? 2) what does it cost In of the more underutilized tools in the ‘aim
use these behavmrs7 leader's loulbnx. Every company is ’

working to achieve something so why 3) Teams within the damage

‘In K"“"’ ‘‘’l‘“‘ W“ “*9” ““"‘ “Eh nnt deiine it and put that definition prevention community should evaluate
“ E" to work as a poweriul motivational their success of working together on a
2) Proactavely meet/exceed team variable? what is more compelling regularly scheduled hula‘.

‘We  :‘:i:::.“'“i:z;:;:la:“::;:::;:“:i": In 

3) P‘“"‘dE ‘“"‘ "‘“"“’"5 ‘“"“’““‘ vision ngeds to be the guiding principle l didn't mean to uvzr-simplify

about the success or meeting I be kt h 1 rh U be H t ‘k I _ d

Wm as eam mem rs wor o e p ea CD a ra ve eamwor . nstea ,

EXP“ - other succeed. l want you to recognize teamwork

4) Accept and use the feedback to 4 Ammmwmy behaviors are already within your
improve pertormance. ' behavioral library and using them is

. Last, but certainly nnl least, is the tree. Talk about a great deal: .
5) P'“"‘“"“‘Y d° ""*""'“"" ‘5 accountability tool Team members uf
c - t h i te be s t ’
:':C:::,r:,,Z kg;  safe‘ MW 5;‘“b“l°5f“"E‘:i“'“ *'“‘°‘ “f§*'1‘_’”'" Larry Cole, PhD., iounded Team-
accoun a e o a eve success. ‘earn Maw ha and the T2amMflx®

yes, there will be times when one members Di file damage Prevenhen metlioaloiogies to ifnpfovg employee
team member wDn’l 1) have needed Dr team should do the same. Yes, I Perfunnflnce m maxinflzz fingndgi
correct iniormation, or 2) competently understand the challenges to dn so. Success He can be ,Ead,2d a. ,m,.
complete thfeir jub r;edspor;sibiliti: ‘This 1) one has In mum, “'2 mm? ‘D ,,,,,,,mig.,x,,,,,,-,_a,,,,

‘5 “°‘ “ P“ '3" W” ““ "“=“ * “"5 provide honest ieedback provided in a

going to be made. Dunng the course

2015, Ismail virrarraia E11 . 11

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