Page 3 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 3

S from the desk of
I seems almost rmpossrble for tlus year to be ever, but
Imy ealendar only has two and a half pages left in ft, sa
I know we're runmng out of time to eomplete our 2018

ID-du lists. It looks likeI may have In carry over some of

my goals.

As you read  letter our annual Damage Preventron

Summit has alrearly taken plaee It was held November

7 — 9,2018 at the Golden Nugget In lsrlerr and was

a reseundrng sneeess onee agarn. The sessrons anrl

wnrkshops were geared lowazd beneffttrng all those |n the


It was also a great oppertunrty to meet the Enimcumcnl

Board and talk drreetly wrth the Board representatrves.

There was lots of drseus-srnn anrl nxclmmcnl luokrng

toward the future. If you mrssed thrs great event, be sure

to mark your ealendars for November 2019 and be en the

lookout for the date announeementl

Let me share some erertrng news wrth yen. As most of
you know, 5258 Cerlar Park Drwe here In ]ack~on has been the home of Mrssrssrppr 811 for almnst
30 years For the pad several years, our board of drreetors has been lonkrng for a rhfferent lneatren
fer a variety of reasons. Empluyee personal safety and seeurrty have eertarnly been a eunsrderatrun
and most recently, reeegnrzrng that emergrng teehnolegres requrre speeral eunsrderatrun as they
relate to redunrlaney and emergency baeknp plans. of eunrse, that bnngs up the rssue of havmg
adcquatv: undergrounrl servrees avarlable tn rmplement surh programs.
I beheve that we've found such a lueatrun near the Jaekson — Medgar wrley Evers lnternatrnnal
Arrpurt The Mrssrssrppr B11 board of rhrertors reeently marle the deersrun to make an offer on a
loeatrun based an affordable prree, employee eonsrderatrons and the abrhty to meet the needs of
our members and users now and In the future we prst learned that the offer has been areepted.
whrle there rs strll some work to rln, we expert to make the offreral announeement sometrme early
In 2019. we are eunfrrlent that you wIll agree wnh the derrsrun and null benef-rt from the move.
The Mrssrssrppr all Magazrne eontrnues to be an effeetwe tool as a part of our pnbhe uutreaeh.
Thanks for your feedbark and suggesuons for sturres over the past year. It allows us to f-lnd the
prorluets and stones that are mlcvam to you. A speeral thanks to the advertrsers In the magazrne.
The hst at adremsers enntrnnes to grow as there rs nu pubheatron In the state that reaches the
targeted andrenee hke thrs one. Your Involvement In the magazrne allows you to reaeh the
audrenee you want to reach and at Ihc same trme you help us make the message affordable.
Thanks to the members of Mrssrssrppr 811 and to all these who have made "kteprng Mrssrssrppr a
safer plaee tn hve and work" a top prronty In therr organrzatrens.
On behalf of the board of drreetors and staff of Mrssissrppr am, let me thank you for a great year
and wrsh you and your famrly a safe and happy huhday season.
I look furwarrl to a tremendous year nf eppertnnrty |n zul9

Sam Ialmson
M1~\1~~1p)7l S11
2015 Issued Mlsslsslflw 511 . 1

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