Page 18 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 18

I P I H I h I.
nsurance rlces lg er or ower?
av Wgmra Fumes
The Pahcy Center In:
Jarxsan M5
cs1dc~ callmg your agent now ALL rhehur1uhn,;. In on area/tm/y’n. 1; A) Rad Mmtang, nm~‘, mn\’cmblc—
and then or open your huh, u tornado mltbmnk oc:IIr~' 7 and ha~ zsy/o dnvcr — s533,uon new
how mueh time do you «fiend — u eonnouny could gctw1pL‘d()ulm 5 B) Fm (km MP Chmmi 55 W0
tlunkmg:\bnut1n~uIancL 1 nunulc~’ d _ Sam,” _ Y
t111.»IIghtsn—bIItlz\kce1 momcnt now ‘"“’ ’ "‘“
, , Ye» we nnee had on ennre mwn wrped

andIcts~cL‘ny(\ucz\nsz\\cy<\uIscIf b d d d 1 whreh ox rhe~e (Ma do you dunk wru
.on.ernr.ney. F1r~t, lul'~~'cclmvy’mlc~' M" >’M”"’a W’ PM We mm’ c,,,,,mm.,,,,,,,mo ’

W Mahmud [or mu MILLION 7 In one check The

alI—vmod bulldmg had been donated Toany’. yehrele. nre almmk drlvcrlum

lldnu~n'tmakturv/y’1'\clhur1t1a to lhcnty. Itwe1~g1n0Inmu.~—L‘vL‘n |ns()nme1rL‘:\>. And 1n~'nmc::\.~L'~',
eonuuereux or pcr~1.»naI, certain things had ra1Ime1dlm:k~ end mend so thc t11cyARE dnvurlc» The eornpurer
ure mic cs:z\l:\mr~ 7 tL\'ne1gcd runyer. pmducb the eornpuny nmnilfatlurcd ’’dnvL‘r'’ .. are "hce1rt"and"bIa1n"
(~uIpn~cd7), lugh powered vchIclL‘~, could he loadcd nght onto the cars. of rhe yehrexe. They are e1l~<\~v:nuu~Iy
h1.»|hc~'n1z\dccnumlyo!wood .nul Mmthemmdokfmhmmm uxpcn~'I\.cmrcpau/rcplacc /\nd,s|ncc
In the country wuh no flmhydmnts b H V V 1, f K M k thc\’c111:lc1~ncarlyilecluwwllhnut
nmrby. Lev. put the1lal1—w()od hnuac  l‘"*~b“““‘P‘“‘d"‘“§; ‘if *n u, t11I~canuxplaxnwhythccumpany
ngh!acm~slhc~tmulimmsny the y, {amt CvP~mPI:1Ctflxr:h1:(‘ m ’“ Vv'll1L»flcn‘’mlaI’’a vcluclc, mt11L’rk11an
GuI!n[Mcx1co [could he1vL‘>eud ‘“ ‘"*~““““ "“ " “ ‘ ‘ *‘*“"P" mpzurlt.

,, ,, , No one could puwlblv argue wind y.

():L‘z\n[mnt bulk11uCuIfe1:tsIIpc\cIy Vt OR _ Vt; (M H‘ V_ , h
 much mv.»rclh:\nthcAlle1nnc '“*{’)“; “my 9;’ L; ’d ” lg‘; ma §mmvlan.v mmnuplll
Wbminyuu mwmmmwlmpm 2:3,‘. nod Lrvy1.»h‘~1,< on eoudn rattan tLr:\ca1rnh or e]uvo,ney on no:
mdmmndwmmmmmmbu H Elaimc ,we1c L: u:....ue}.‘ g}<‘\1ngt()rcc()upll ur n~;L.~/LxE4,n~L~
you an fl1m~uPP(Md m mm H PM“, u (in c(Y:ln1fe1ny]§'\;IIrL‘ heyeryr Eur, L H rulny Tr ylou 1el1d u $1.>lk]Y,0UUko;|~c
Wwld yfluchwgmmumhc guym .Enog.nenon eou V aye l:\p‘};¢nc . um own, mu’ on}; nu um e or
{ht mm than A guy in “Y, Mmplm vLn Iun~umncL we1~1n\.(: ye t11e1I2kYmrz\tL‘1ncrce1~c of xhe nrifpnal 7
or AlbuqucIqIIc7 Now the1lc1.»mpany'~  if?’ ’’;°";;‘""’ *1" mnd W“ ‘av 10;‘

( b H ‘L M "NO , d zcua y, om <\~~c>:\u>prca ou
V’ H)" E_"'f,;n;'SJ,’1“gh valxg’? YT“ mm over u uude number uf111.»mL‘~1ny(\uI
Oh, u ~tuIm hue Knmnn wou1o1n’x gr! n prerher n mrnudo, than may he thuc "‘°‘"“>' ’ }‘”"‘°* “‘ “‘° ”“'““ 9"?“ “‘

ynura. C1.»mpamL‘~he1vu had decades or
pmbablv. Right t11I~\,’ce1r1.»rnnnc!urZU vcars. Thw ,, ,,
‘ nreuinunyerrnrpunyrlnurheywrue "“° b""“‘“‘“5 ‘" ““°}“YP“"““““°'
Now how abmlt hre. .5 u wood hnu.»L'/ W mmfimcc M —(mm_‘m"m F cua~'I:\|, mrnndo e1xL‘:\>, mow Sr 1::
building nmrc lxkcly In bum all the ‘Mum “mmumncC’mn“ mm) aYC:1,d|I~k>lOYnI~, ere. Thnerpeuenee
wav down Khan, ~av,abrIck or smnc , ‘ ,, ‘ 1”‘ g<\c>xnmt11L‘ pmcc~sn[paV1ngclz\Im>
r r cantwntc luglx valucwnudcn r
buIldIng7 In thc country or nght m bmldm ,5 ,, and making u rcmunablc pmflt V and
town? How about a ~'pnnklcI system? 5'' t1'u~ 15 what your ~!atc’~In~||re1n:u
What If the buIldmg/ Imus: r~ old — 1; you thunk e1bmIl"why” re1lc~' are what C(>n1mx~'~n.»ncr1> charged nurh
how are thowc clccmcal wm:~ lmldmg they am, you bcgm to ~02 how you eun Cnfornng — enough prcmlunu to pay
up7 Arc the vnlnlca an the ama gum}; cut down on your prcmxunu clz\Im~' and nmkc a mnmnablc profit.
down — or up° we.-, than are e1r~0n ,, ,,
Aum m~'IIre1ncL‘me1kL‘~ u rcallv elenn nyou ure m~umnccavmn: when you
hre., un[v.»mIne1lcly) ~ ~
age, age ox \'c111:Ic, e1e.enpnon of purc11a~'L‘ n honm, lot or vchxclc, you can
Then, or cuursc, thcm’~ are eoneepr that \’c11I:lc, cnalm \.’uhxclL\ so whuh nmkc Ch()I(L‘~'[h:1I(ah ~a\/L‘ you ~1.»mc 555
no m~umncc company wunr. to wrm: yehre1e wrn you be rmunng; yeur nner yczu’ 5
15. Mssrssrpprfill 2015 Issue}

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