Page 20 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 20

Communications Dy/nhrl/al>nDl
loln a safety pelspeellve, guod naturally oeeulnng mctlmne rloln hulh lhe lnlelnel wllh a laundleed eye, but
eonnnlunleallons ale enlleal. llvesloele and eulnpusl, oll seeps and 1 ,..ll gs. lmlad on cm,..,.. cm. ,, ha
The "who, what, when, whele sun spols, and ll should he olavlous lhal sh,“ mm ,, mu mud. mm,,..,mca.,,,..
and why" of any slnlallun lhal elvlllzallon's cunlnbullun to elllnale .,,dm,s R dnpmdm Nm.,pfll,m

eould cause dealh, lnluly, ol halnl tn ehange ls lnslgnllleanl. colnpaled lo and um ml.,, MW, used ,0 have

lhe envuonmenl O! plupelly ean makr: naturally oeeunlng eallses of elllnale c,ad.l,,l,.y, mm day, may all , ml
lhe dlffsrcnte belween a near lnlss and ehange, anylhlng lnan has done ol 1 do mean ALL , .aem .a me la have

a ealasllophe ls dolng ls, ln lhe agglegale, lal less a .1“. and all appm l,.a,.ad, 11“.

we have an hmd ‘hf MW of an hm slgnllleanl. sald, lhele ls no doubt lhal Lhcrc ale
boy who ened wolf. Ahel several ialse Does lhal lllean that man should nul ‘}}:"":h“’1“’ ‘“° “b”'°‘““"Y ‘°“"‘““‘d
alal-lns, na une belleved hlln. And lhen do evelylhlng leasonably posslble lo ‘If; °:‘“} ’ P:‘“°“" ‘” “"‘ 5”” “‘
one day lhe wulf showed up. The same “ “‘ “ °" “"3 “CL

eould laesaldrulchleken Llttl£— as lf l U, , : , , ‘ ,   , ,, wl.m.m,ma,..,,,1;a.), }..,“,m,,
exeepl lhe sky, as fa!’ aslknow, never ' > ~ ‘ A ~ ~ - ‘ ‘ -  ~ ~ « * (DOn1u[hCgn|r“u“|(fl“Qnxspfgbflbly
felt _ E’ _.~ , js ‘) .s V — ,;l lllslenoughlllslnlleh bnlmrlo
Credibility is crucial. ‘ * ‘ 2 * ’ " ' " “ ‘ ‘ * :‘)"°m9'-h'"Ell‘:3°““; P‘-‘lt°““l“”)'

< . V\ l l. e angeluussl alan anllso

lhappen to bellevelhalelllnale ehange . if , ‘- , . L 11 : _ lelnaln sllenl and waleh an aeeldenl

ls ln fact aeeunlng. 1 do not, however, . s happen. The means of eolnlnunleallon
llellevelhallhellulnaneonlnllullon  xi ; L  1 \ 1 ' V ; ‘s g: T ,1 z‘ 1 and llle ulgenev depends an llle

Io elllnale ehange ls slgnllleanl. . . , ,. , speellleelleunlslanees. You be llle
Consldenhalaslnglevo1eanu,Kilallea  > p‘ ll: 1-‘; M, a ; _~ _j ludga ;(,,.,P,,,yW .,_,dmde_1-1,,..k
ln l~lawall,elnllsahuulmlonlonsol * 7 \ ' V » ‘ about ll Tu usea foulballmctapllur,
nnlallng sulrul dluxlde gas (soz) gas 4. , , l , , g _ L lun wllh your head up. But don't run
eaeh day dllnng penuds alsllsaalned ‘~ l '« ‘ ’- sa » « wllh ms-.a,,l

enlpllon. Thaldoes not lnelude E f h ‘ .

other undesllable elnlsslons sueh as lnlllgale pollutlon and global Wm’rnlng7 ° ‘“ E 0'“ ‘ ‘"-

panleulales and olllenhpasslbly less :b~'olutL‘ly Nfnglz As new |u:hnDlr;€;)«' ,,,,,,, ,_.,m ,,1,,,, p,.,M5,l_ ,,,,, is m,,,,,,,y
n0X|U|I~blIl ~'tlll gleen ollse, gases. eenlnes aval a e an eeononllea y V p. 4, , p , 5 ,_, C ,,

l have no ldea how l<llauea lales ln ieaslhle, it should be applled. Thal, mi"; m"‘:'0F';m‘£m::’ ,a':’m”}','f;
lenns orlls slze as eonlpaled lo olhel however, does not nlean lhal alternative W5 LLC mm, /W ImWgZ,zmm
valeanos and l dl.»n’l know how many leehnologles should be suhsldlzed al ’

aellve vuleanus Lhexl: ale al any glven lhe expense of runhel mfimng (pun

llme — but lhen: has In be a lot, Do lnlended!) exlsllng leehnolugles Let lhe
la ml1Lh. lflhcm la, a anyglven aala aaaaa “II “N
llmL‘, 100   on Lhe planet flflfllll

What does Lhls have to do wllh :
<Pr°‘=a'='vc°"~=“'W°’""<‘ '<*'"“°" c0mmun|c2ll|un7Slmpk‘.Thtxclsw .2 flflflflll
'5 ““ “"““5° "°'°““°’ M‘’"‘“‘ N“‘‘"“ lnuell lllse lnrulnllllun oul there tlnl 3 
ls putting out 200,000 tom uiSOZ a ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ? 3 2 “ 7 1
,, lhe pllhlle (and l eonsldellnyselr pan 0
dav K502 ls only ZU% of lhe bad , — flflflflfl
— of the publlc) sllnplv doesn [know N
slum elnllled by vuleanos, Lhal’~ — ,, ,, 9 2
who orwhatlo bcllevc. la the old 7 1 a 5
1 ll TONS r ll h 1
over lnl lon o pu ullunt at
days, ls ll was ln Lhc newspaper, on a
oeeulsnanllallveaeh and evcry day, al 1 3 5 2 7 4
_ « lelevlslon, O! laughl ln sehool, It was 0
seven day~ a week Add all lhe smoke , '6 
Gospel. 1 dun [know about you, but l a
horn rolesl l’-lles, Lhc panleulales rloln ~
no longer saosanlse lo a aewspape. and Huang“

d“"‘"""“’ ‘}""“$1“’““}“‘ ‘”°“d' Idon'lw1lchtl\n nlllonal news luse

la. Mlsslssrflwsll 2015, Issue?

   18   19   20   21   22