Page 6 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 6

Inspiring road managers to stop and focus on what's important
5 Mic7uEiDw.n:s
, _ flex nuending die Mississippi
i V, 211 Damage Pmvenllon
* _ siiriiinii in Gulipurl, Forresr
_ . Country Road Mannger
-— ¢ - —_- Mike siade was inspired ro cmatc iii.
gu _ awn Safnty Day for die eoiinry, which
4- . f0Eu~‘L‘d a lot of aueniion on damage
" "— "‘ — i prevenonn, in r1dd|m.»n to odiersazery
_ J '1 was one of unly two mad managnm
“ that wcrc ai iiie Surnmfl, and [~tr1rled
iiiinking 'sarne of my giiys have ncvcz
4 heard inrornianoii from 811’ sia, 1
, F - i > .. 4 deeided we wnm going to have a Safety
i ; ‘E ‘V G ,-. ;.~ 7, _i ‘ -  my/'Mike..iid.
‘ xx ’ ‘-  7-‘ »  , rim ]f. ..
\ _ . . . _ -  , ‘. gun o die rarresrcoiinry Safnty
‘ . > 22% L  _msg= .. - - . Dav  to xulcmlc the xmporlancn
1:- ‘  . ‘T’ 1-‘ , /.—r— Qf damage pieveriuori, r1~ wen in .i
' ‘ , F. _ r’ V I '"— . V i , 14-‘ iriiiimiide ofulhcr wiarkpinee minty
_ . ’ ,, <1" ' ." issues. Mlkcbmught in ciiarie.
“ ' ' ,. *1’; H i i'‘‘ ' "' "-‘ SIalImg~ and Henry Greer, darriage
i . » ~ r... 7 .. r prerenonn enardinnrors widi M581],
2  V’  I. along \’\’|I1'1 nxpcrts iri workcr~'
7 . 9 , g eniripensnrinn, n siippieinenrai
*1 ,3 T‘. lII~ul'anC€ eorripnriy, arid odier saieiy
» ' advocates.
. Cl\r1rlL‘~ said Mike deserves a lot of
J’ ' '— credn fur iinsiirig die Safety Day.
——.,';i-Q A "To be honest, we've wantnd lo meet
, arm-9» -
¢~ —- , wirii n gmamr degree W|tlI roiinries,"
‘ - ' __ ‘ ‘ Cl\r1rlL‘~ said. ”Wn’vL‘ done 30 mlnulc
 ._,. :1‘ E, '-*-r—% iaiks widi eines and businesses, b|1lI1'1l~
'  2 4- _ Wm adwholc day xfiatdnd 11:‘ ~r1{12ty.L'}'l“l\r:In
,.,,  ~<,.. — --“— were our prizes, 00 an 0! er ings
' ’ '*——:\a,_ r - _ to keep cvcrybudy’~ in
I] ’ '2-— ___ r ,_ b|g benem to are eiripioyees."
\. A '
 Mikes mvolvcmnnl w.i.ii'i hmflnd
~<' \ ‘H K ;>:‘ ioiiisrroniing up wiriidieideannd
'- booking die speakers. He helped get
_\ vendors ro donate door pnzI:~, and he
i‘ <“-  and his W|fC icd the cnllm grriiip.P1us,
- V , iie cunvmccd die eoiiniy Lhal riiis ropir
I wr1~ so |n’|puflant that It was worth
* sropping au othu wnrk and earning
iogedier as a team to roeiis on minty fox
an cnum day
"We had abuul115 ernpinyees Lhcm
/ that dny, along iiiirn die siippiarr folks,”
Mike said. "It wr1~ n big day for iis,
they'd never ~1Iul die wiinie eoiimy
down fox sarneriiiiig iike riiis bciore,
and nvnrybudy gni to near diings diey
4 . Mississiapisn 2015, issue 1 °°’"W”E” 0” "GE 9

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