Page 17 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 17

High Consequence Areas ln accordancc wllhindcralmgulr1tlon~', some .nen.- nuzlr plpcllncs

have bccn dcslgnalcd a~' l-lrgl. C1.m~'L‘qI|cncc Area» For rne.-e zlmzls, wlpplcmcntal hazard zl»c~'~mcnt

and pmvcntmn pmgram~ known .r. lnregnry Mnnngenrerrr [’mgmm~ lmw: been developed If a prpelrne

opcrzllor hzl~ Hrglr Consequence Amzls, lnfurmzluon about rne.-e plan~' may bc nynrlnble rlnengl. rlrerr

company's web.-rre nr by cmllzltllng rne npcml()r'~' eerpnrnre omee.

Them r. a wldc nrnge of pmduth tmvclmg rlrrenglr rlre rlrnn.nnel.- nr nnle.- of prpelrne., cvcrythlng [mm

gn. rer yenr car to oxygen for hchpllals l\AE|flyO[l1'\L‘~‘L‘ proelnee can be lnglrly llnnnnnble, harmful ll

lnhzllcd, enn.-e eye 0: skin rrnrnnen or posslbly cruhc dlfflculty brcalhlng. Some nr rlre nnnrennl. —
could :zlu~'L‘ cnvlmnmcnlzll damzlgc lzeennee of rne.e pnrennnl lrnznrrle, rr ls lmpurtzlnl lnr » ' *1
our nerglrbnr. re bc able re reengnrze n pipeline lnak , . . '

. . . fl .. ‘

can Owners Bulld or mg on a Rlght-Of-Way’! Plpcllnc nght.~'—u[—w:ly , Au-,,

muslbn kepr rree rrnnn srrueruree and erner obstructions m preyrele neee.- in are »~ ‘ ,7 .' , - '
plpcllnc for malnlcn.1n:c,.1~‘ well M In rlre eyenr nfan enrergeney. If n prpelrne ' r " ' _ ' ~ ,
cm»c~' ynnr prnperry, plcrwn do ner plant rree.- er large ~hmbs nn rne nghl—u[—w:ly _ '

Do not dug, b|Il1d,5(()l'L‘ or plain nnyrlnng nn er ncax thc nghl~—oi—wr1y wllhouk flht ~

nnyrng rlre prpelrne compan)/'~' pcnonncl mark rlre prpelrne or .-rake rlre nghka—()f— ‘T '_ .
way and explnrn rlre c()mpany'~' n.m~'lru:ll0n and e.r.—ernenr rcqulmmL‘nt~' re yen. , «_ - _= ., V

l .. _'.. , r ,
‘n 3 . ‘_

We Need Your Helpnre nzllmn’~' lnim~tru:turc~', mcludlng pIpcllnc~', am a ‘ ‘ “

rnnrrer of nzllmrlal .eeunry Ifyull wltncsi susplnnnu actlvlty on n prpelrne nghl— ” I .3‘. _,

of—wr1y, plnzlsc xcpoxt ll to thc appmpnalc r1uthurltIc~' n. .-enn .r. pm.-rlrle, nrynn , - ‘ ~
rnny enll rlre plpcllnc opcml()r'~' numbcm. Thxcat r1d\'lsurlc~‘ may be found nr rlre ’ ' ' -i.
Dcpr1rlmcntufHomcland SL‘cImty’s wcbfltc wwzll are glvl//rHl5;lllllll(  L:

Ir ’ ’ , r~ ’

National Pipeline Mapping System For lllfonnallml about plpcllnus ‘ 5. ‘ ‘ "
epernrrng In your .rre.r, yrnr may contact rlre l\'zlllunzll Plpcllnn Mapplng Systcm r . .3’ '-
(NPMS). Thls rlnrnbn.-e nl plpclmc npernrer. and rne lutaunn nr lhclr lrne.- \va~' r, V -
de-rgned for me public re have accna~' to Contact rnlernnnrrnn [or prpelrne mnrpnnre. vi . ' ‘.-
epernrrng In yenr nren. Vlslt wzllzy.ll;lllln1.p/lllten (in! gun ler nrere lnioxmalmn. If yen - Vu ‘.5
would llkl: to know whlch ~'pcc1fic companlcs llslcd an: nenryenr addrve-~'s plcrwc contact nnr « '
Regnlnrery Snrvlccs Depnrrrnenr toll rree at l—877—Z2$U—863b. orlrer ms()ur:c~' may bc fuund ..g_ V I ‘ -

at omee of Flpcllnc Saicty ml,» l‘/ups dln‘ gm‘, rne Parlllcwhlp [ox Excullcncc In mpelrne ¢ .

snrery YL"IL'EV5Hf('}Yl}YA"l1Z('§ erg nr nr wwzll ;ll}whtll'1U1 mm Far more rnrnrrnnuen on ~':l[c u_ r‘ ’ , ‘ ‘ '
L‘x:zlvr1llon, go enlrne and \'l~'ll EVEVHY((IHIHI(I1ZX1'01AUI‘[fl[llflY’ICA'(‘N11 ‘ __, ‘ _ ‘V V -' ._
Awr1rcnc»I~' rne key re pxcvcnung prpelrne neemlenr.-. You can ernrrrrlmre to are safety *., ' ’ " "

1‘. and sccunty of your nclghbrlrhnud by knuwlng where prpelrne. nre, nnrl krlowlng »-  
 __ : .. 5 . how mrcc()gnlzL‘ nnnnrnnrrzea nerryrry ox~'lgn~()fzl|cr1k n-well zlsho\vmrL‘~p0nd '~
In rlre en.e ern plpcllnc accldcnl Flpcllnc companlm ennnnne rn slrlvc re be good - , .
_.,z« an  , nerglrlaere, and lust llkl: any good nclghbnrhnod watch pmgmm, nerglrlmre look enr Q * 1
'- ‘Q; for each othcr Ioln ln wrrlr rlre plpcllnc companlL‘~' re keep enr famlllcv ~'zl[l:. U
. K . K
'_. y - . _ r . 
C‘ I 1 r ’ ‘Q
‘ L,
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- V. I

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