Page 6 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 6

Dama 8 II'IVeStI atIOIIS'
not as scar as ou might think
E ‘ I [happened The thing you
_ I dread most as an excavator:
L . 5- . ._ vl. - a utility strike. Nnbody on
I j« ‘ $31 the eh; site was imured, but
everyone .5 shaken. ‘(nu guy.-
lucked out (I115 time. But what do
5 ._ V you up to help LhEs1tI1ariun7YDuz
1-_ » , - V ““““ ’ *‘ *- *— nzxlsleps cnuld help we livea and
:_ ,_ , _ : < . prevent future acndents.
-' p _,v‘-. '_-. 5‘ ,-» — Dzapxle evezyuneuuhe excavation
_»- ~ p . '_‘, , R. .' ; _. *  V 1nduslry'ab2.~'teflurLs', the
.. , V. ' ‘,1 ‘ ' '  ‘ -«:3 \ —-. uccnsionnlutxlxtyslrike due.-
. 2» >* .  '_’_‘ . . -.-V ‘ ' uecur, nccurdingln Waller
‘ , ’ Chilmm, director ui safety and
' .e_. ._,\ 4. \__ !t"~ _ e '. znvxrnnmzmzlcumplizmce
., S  ‘Q . ,> . 5, =_ _-5 -$1 nlI’ontuIocEl2cIricI’ow2r
‘ , .  »g -‘ . .:‘  f_. Assucmrion. when Ponlotuc 15
. . . , — . .» _ , . ,:_'v'_, I .; ', mvulvedmauul1tysrrik2—
7 ~ '   '»:_.a:§ whethzrasanexcavnlozuran
‘ — . ' . ¢-' ‘ ; '1. ' 3 uwnzr/op2mIDr—he1a callzdintu
‘ ,.»' V ' ’ ' V. xnvemgnte.
‘ _  ”Wh2n there's n .-mke and the
‘ ~—-:;?, zxcnvzturknowslheutilitythey hn,
. ' 11's goud to nomy them, and call
_._, _,=,' -3-  ‘. ,-: Misa1asippi81l,"Wnlt2rs2I|d"If1I’s
, n »g;‘.;_ \ 17,1‘ — r._ a gas urliquxd ruelhne, they must
2 4  -_.-__. . _ _ 1, -‘ al.~'o:all911."
. -. . ~ ‘.7 . r<~  --.
u=.‘,7— 4;: ; -"' y~.- ' , ‘ . #5 Walter,whol1aab2enwitl1I’un|olo:
~ ‘ 4; ..f_~: ’ '  , _ . '_ ; mas years, and has worked in
~ ‘ _._. , - -:2 ‘-- _ , e ‘  safety since 1994, said he mes Iogzl
' . ' '  N - - ' _- - tulhz scene as quxckly aspossxblfi,
_ - ~ _. _- .'  befurz anything has‘ changed. But
'  »\ -‘ , ,, _ even befure he gels to the scene, he
. ' . -~ ; ~ gets inconlactwith the one Call
\ "2 7 center m gel vnal details nbuul the
~,_ ' n__ ‘ l, »,.l - jobsile andlhz2xcavaIDr'sDugmal
‘ . - 1 locale nest
— , ,~.~"‘: -,  Pg‘ 3. 7”‘.
_ . ¢ , - ,,_ V} ”Th2i1rstth|ngldu1stu geta
5:5‘. in-_/" "'21- - Q; ' .e r eupy of the uckzl fmm Mi.s'.sis~'1pp1
“'7‘¥¢“.>- . ,. e .si'.' , 311 nndmake sumitwas marked
“Y ' '-..; .  r ; _.'«,> properly/'}|e.s'a1d. "sumzbody
j‘ ='. _. ~, 2» ’_ . _ ~ - .v mapped the hnusu.newhere,nnd
\ ‘ , ‘ , ., ‘-1 ‘ we want In ate What was done
_ é’ _. V V  ‘— ,. Wrongand conzclxlwwe can
5 e ’ ‘ ,_ ‘ '__~ *'  ” r przvznlxlimm happening again
 ‘ 2; ":4 . — Iincuslomzr has something, they
»' ;_ - A \ -' ‘ 1;,‘-_ V .“ *‘- eitherdidn'Ic2|llDritwasn\is-
’ 3 _ _. . »-:. - .| marked.”
. , 4| _ The am few minutes surrounding
. ‘ ‘ a utility amkz are the most
V. .5 3-’ 7
4 . Mrsmsryprsll 2fl17,!ssu: 4

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