Page 3 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 3

from the desk of
matings to all Dfynu. It you were run at our Damage
Prevention Summit in Biloxi November 1 -3, you
missed a grenlsllow Great apunwra, Cxhlblttlxs
and .~‘e.~‘slDIL~‘. Ifynu were there, I'm ~um yuu'd agmc wrth
me that rt was dufinltnly the best Jrow yet. llrupe you'll
make plana to be wrtlr rm baek |n Blluxl |n 2018 Mark yuur
ealendar now tor November 7 — 9, 2012;.
You may uutree that wc’vL‘ added new teature. ta our
magazlnc. We've trred tu find relevant pczapcctlvm tu sham
wrth our rcadunlllp and Ym eonvureed we have. In thl~
i..ue [or example, there Is the hut teature on entoreement
Thu teature ls wntten tu keep our stakeholder» rntormed
about the rmpaet otentoreement and puhaps make the
pmuewa ea.-rer tu use gmng torward.
we weleome uur t"lr~t-llmc advertners rn lhl~ l~sun and we
truly appmmam Lhosn of you who hzlvn been wrth u. tor
many yuan, ~umn from the buglnmng You have made rt pcwslblrs tor us to eornmunreate to our
member. rcgardlng lmuna of rmpurtanee tu them. The rnagazrne haa aha grven u. another outlet
auppoltlng the ”Call Belore You Dlg" mes.age.
It has been a busy year tur u. at Mh~l~s|ppl 811. It Is our pruulege tu wurk wrtlr you to pruteet
our famlllcs and eummunrtre.
A. we luok at the Ilpcumlng holldaya, l realrze there r. more tu do than we have trrne to get
done thl~ year wrth that ln mrnd, we antrerpate an cxcltlng 2018, a year that wlll .ee .-rgnrliearu
pmgmai ln proteetrng our undczground lnfiaslnltturc. we belreve that 15 good for Mr»-rmppr
Enroy the lrulrday ~cawn wrtlr your tamrly and mcllda. [hope to am: yuu m the near tuture untrl
then, let me remrnd you that bcfum yuu dlg ln, make that eall to Mlialailppl 811 and
dlg .ately.
lt rs lust that rmpurtantl
sam Iahnsan
.vlu,....pp. B11
2017, Issue A Mlsslsslpw an . 1

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