Page 21 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 21

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/lbuvr Mr mm rramples II/wufitml spam that vmrt nll me ur OSHA’; rm‘uml
- Auenaandsl Psychnlogicnlhnznnlsincludz ’ ' _ . me .1. ..a r ,3;
. Enuflnlw olausrrophohra,rearozheaghus,gearor ‘ - 1'!
darkness, or poor physroal cundlhon ; '
- Atmosphencmomlnrlng Dr|?.~‘I'l'iCfiC|l1aOf(l12\'\’Ol'kE!. Evena . I u -.‘
personnel (see Step 4) mildlEVE1DfClfl|X§(!DP1'1Dbia,ffizlflf ‘ r-:;‘g."»N
_ Rgflmammesleps) he.ghLs,lerle.,cahhedprazhlemarfifherel r-tr , 4.‘:
rsho z D Dnetan D or psyc uoglcn - . . -
Step 4 - Identify 5: Eliminate All hazards except nut put anecneol workers " 971%”)  s
Hazards ahlospaoeslharoause Lherhsueh ‘ ‘V \ I,
. e
Thereare Lhreebmadcatzgoziesnf P“""°"‘*‘ l \ ‘ . H
cnnfined-space hazards Step 5 - Develop a Rescue Plan 1 ‘ ~
- Atmosphenc osHArhanala¢esrhalemployers i a A »
_ Phymal pmvldeappropnatz rescue and E . ,‘
emergency servroes so that remeval 1 ,
- Psychological nnhjureel enrrantsisnuldelayed } M _ p *

lrs important m identify all putential 2““‘§‘_“'3’ l:fT?”“‘d‘Y“.“_‘:1":“‘h  v:

hazards, and then eliminate each one. $1; gszfmajun - ' '

If eliminariun ls not possible, steps :1 simply Nu me has to’ ED hm ll“ ’

must be taken to control the hazard and hazmmh mm to make the mm‘ ms an Ln‘ ry.,ss.;..ra.,s-m,a, Forcxmvrph‘,
m,..,,E ,,,,,,kE, ,my_ tmbaunlloufxhlc/‘V913yasslvfgfytllr,!:l:tIqanr1;lbus:'-s N
Amnsphefichazaydsintluaemlmlz  s;sa,”..»;..a. ’
oxygeh(oxyger.alefioaerrey),loamuoh Th ,; T b , ‘

oxygen( ‘mfmfiflfd  ’::’:"‘z’;”' DmmwarwscoJvum1mfTrmh$nfr*y
gasesorvapors<eramplesare methane Hi nknuosml Enfiflflflnnfined wnisuwfly—rwwvmvfUm1rrxwwrd
(°’“‘"‘P'°“ 3” l‘Vd’°5““ ’‘“‘fl‘‘“ “"1 Ia rotlshurffun erumamm and mm
who" munvxidd T‘; 1|,-'“'1*‘z§*z*r [by fvrflv"-S ‘hf five mmp/zmes. lz,.;mgm....a s’a;ay eaara”.m.r
Physical hazards include engulhnent, :z’:;,':fk2s:,:{’;}lX:';§‘;m’:x‘::‘; P"°'7'd’5 5fi;esrfr:fnIf{ PIIWPWM "9P’W
fallingurtzipplngpunrvlslblllty nfi’ d_ .,’ ‘‘”'”r”'‘ “W ”"'“"X
horse,lemperahareexrremes,hmlogroal ”’ “° ‘Pm’ ‘l’I'5'p;eLV+”"’“’T"j"S“”f"” “’""”L”

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hflZJl’d§,9l1EI'gySD|.|IC€5yII'I.§2CI3r ” ” "”‘” ’” “""

rodems, and reptiles

2017, Issue o M.ssss.aa E11 . 19

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