Page 3 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 3

S from the desk of
Welcome to another rssue of our 811 magazine. You
will notice that ln this r.sue, I appreciate those who
have been with us [rum the beginning and welrenre those
of yuu who have ahosen to ~uppun our erturt. lhmugh thrs
magazine. Your rornpany's- me.sage wrll reach your target
audrenee and at the same tune, you help us rearh aeros. the
.tate wrth the vItr1l"dlg sately" message.
It .eems harrl tu belreve, but we are already luokrng ahearl
(0 the ZU17 Mrs-srssrppr Damage Preventrun summrt. The
sumnnt r. mevrng tlu. year to the Golden Nugget ln Blluxl.
You need to mark your calendar [or November 1 — 3, 2017.
Thrs year’. event wlll tueu. heavrly on the rmpaet of the
new enloreernent seetron of uur dlg law I knuw there wrll
be a lut utguorl lniurmatlon presented thrs year lhupe to
.ee yuu there. To learn mere or tu regr.ter early go to [L/IL/ul,
Be sure to cheek uut our new websrte. Hupcfully, rt wlll preve to be more fncndly. one of the
advantage. of the srte rs that we’ll be able tu better trark the pages that are berng vrewed. "lhose
that aren't helpful to yuu, we can replaee wrth updaterl and/ur mure beneireral lnformatmn. Let
us know how we can make rt better tur you
It yuu luok at the artrrle rn thrs rssue that .hares- part of what our Damage Preventrun
Cootrlrnaters are rlurng, you'll nutrre that there are several ques-trun. that deal wrth vrolatrons
and enlotrernent. we appreerate your ques-trun. and rnterest rn these topre.. wlule Mrs-.r.srppr
all rs nut the entoreernent agency, we knuw that we wlll be the res-ouree for many surh que.tren..
what we are unable to an.wer, we ran pas. on to the Entereement Board tor euns-rderatrun lam
eenhrlent that a. we eontrnue to work logclhcn thrng. wrll be elearer tor all of us we wlll keep
yuu posterl as new lniurmatmn become. avarlable.
we set reeurds ln 2015 wrth treket volumc anrl we are uxmcdlng these level. through the hrs-t
quarter of 2017 wlule that makes fut busy day. tur all of u~', rt shuuld al.u translate rntu fewer
damages. Cornmun Cround Allmntc (CCA) statrstrrs tell u. that when the 811 call rs rnade,
damages ueeur les. than um: <1) pereent cf the tune.
Thanks for making that call and drg satel
/VII\~:~~:p;l: B11
2017, lssue2 Mlsslsslflw 511 . 1

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