Page 21 - Mississippi Magazine 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 21

atzlrled about the same time (the zazly A. a pilot, enee the Imlinl (hull of about at some mem. lt is mneh, mneh
19005). Bulh airplanes and pipzllnza gelling your license to lenm wears off, better In be en the gmend wt.-htng yen
are extremely reliable. when either 2 let of flying ls (at len.-t to me) boring. were in the air than In the an wt.-hmg
ene hn..- n iallum, ll has the potznnal A. baring as it may be, yen -ull hnve to you wzm en the ground.
te he enteetnephle With bath, them my vlgilant. Tlungs enn gu [mm boring mm ‘S no new to be maid of flymg
IS the petennel that lnnocenl peeple ID lezniylng qulcklyl The same holds . .
. . . . . and there n ne need ll: be emnd ui
eenld he mnneel or lnlled. Anplene. true for operating a ptpehne Them may ,
. . pipeline. But both demand reaped

are lncrzdlbly complex and .-e me be some pteehne personnel who get a
pipelines Pilots and ptpehne operators thnll out ui slanng at a pipehne conlml unnl next nme 7 blue skles end he azlfe
are typically very well Imlned. Bath mumlo! (e let like an an’ traffic control out thenell
are hlghly regulated by the game menitez), bet, at Izaak for me, that T. W
federal agent)/—Lhe us. Dspanmznl ui net the .-nme as flying an alrplanz
Transpnrlatlon. I’|p2lln£~' are in the ground Yes, they Iolm rmwlfmm PHMSA r-mi rs wmwly
W}. _ m. b d h _ have to be patrolled at .-pecane inten/ale We Pr-wlwf 0fPfr1el"I-' Syslfm Cowl!’

en mm? -312: a I apvem to an depmd,,,g on the p,,,e“m but 4. ,, “O, 1171:? and aeemietts Stw/1:15 far c2 pm
alrvlaner ll“ PIlul_1~' literally alwaya .he ,,nnte as taking off, navigatlng, and Hers, LLC. Emmi Ilzhu Iacl7lJl(<£«‘g2—:s.mlII
een.-nlered a possible cause. when findm a me [Me In land The View
*°"‘“"““8 5”‘ "“l’P*“* ‘° " l"P*"“°' fmm ng line .-leveml Lhousa-nd feel
‘he l"l’*““° °l’“““" ‘S ““”'“Y" in the ::‘l.e{te he more { zctnculaz
°°““d“‘“‘ “ l"""‘“’Y °““'l"“' than an.-peenng the ptpellze fmm the flflflflfl
one blg difference when an airplane ground. anunnnn
f;:-f;:;;l;; gfggggklglfgjvlfig 3;? A lot ui he flaming my pipelines e 2 Elana
,,.e.. em Lhe en. sits at Lhe from ui he ~*;;*';;g3,;§;;::':",§_;§g";”;;;  g 
“"l"““‘ Th“ ‘° “"‘ ““”“Y*' ""9 Wm‘ Endpmainlain eirfelénee. Sltugtlonal 3' “E E Q 3 A 2 7
npeune operators mm“  A mm, mm in Wk :3 T9 flflflfl
Someone Dncs said flylng  hours of n n lmporlanl e men; football em 9, fllflflflfl
boredom ennennted by moments ui ahead) "run with your head up!" my flflllflllfl
a112ErIEY!O! (That's my atury and I am ATTENTION "[0 WHAT you ARE nflflflflfl
atlcking ID it—l eenld not find n anuxcn). DOING! If ll dee.n't seem nght, thlnk

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II"  uamagetl urlflnlnmurld tnlmla: aflnct uselmmm ptmerantl walerlssln
I" “E llI1nVlInlIMBllumlfl7I.EVn7IUI! fimlmfl we hunt and MN nllcan be meme. '
CKS Visil Ils al hunlinginlheslicksmnm
2017, Issue 1 MlsslsslDplE11 . 19

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